Institutions that Create Soldiers
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković, with the members of both of their boards, attended today a celebration of the Day of the University of Defence and Day of Defence Inspectorate in the Crystal Hall of the Guard Club in Topčider.
Speaking about the institutions whose holidays were marked today, Minister Vulin pointed out that the University of Defence and Defence Inspectorate had to search for knowledge, they needed to know more than those they worked with, and most of all, both institutions were actually creating a soldier.
- The purpose of their existence is to create a soldier, either through control, or through training. In both cases they have to know a lot and in both cases they have to have that bigger picture in front of them – the end goal of their work – strong, organised and powerful Serbian Armed Forces made of educated, strong and brave men.
According to him, the military University always has a great goal – gaining knowledge, but it must never forget that the people it creates are there to serve their armed forces and to serve it like soldiers. The Inspectorate General, as Minister Vulin pointed out, checked the lawfulness always endeavouring to adapt our practice to theory, to what had been defined and written, and also to learn how to change the practice, to adapt it and create and environment and conditions for the armed forces to continue their successful development.
On this holiday, at todays’ joint celebration, Dean of the University of Defence Major General Mladen Vuruna PhD and Director of Defence Inspectorate Major General Goran Radovanović PhD presented Minister Vulin with the plaques of the University of Defence and Defence Inspectorate.
Dean of the University of Defence General Vuruna reminded that in the previous seven years of existence of that high educational military institution, particular attention had been paid to the matters containing an impetus for development and which satisfied the requirements of our armed forces.
- Even today, we rightfully say, that we stand of the firm ground in four educational scientific fields, that in the programmes of studies of bachelor, specialised, integrated and master studies, doctoral studies and academic specialisations, we have encompassed all the branches and almost all the services of our armed forces, and that we are actively participating in the work on the projects financed by the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education and the EU – General Vuruna stressed.
Director of the Inspectorate General Radovanović emphasised in his address that the holiday was a reminder of more than a century long tradition with numerous generations of inspectors who had honourably executed and were executing still, their job within defence system.
Speaking about the results achieved by the Defence Inspectorate in the previous year, he pointed out that the inspectors had been focused primarily on preventive activities and providing assistance to defence systems, and on prescribing measures for taking lawful actions aimed at enhancing the state in various fields.
- In the year behind us, the Defence Inspectorate conducted 125 several days’ inspections, by which it executed on time and fully all tasks assigned pursuant to decisions of the President of the Republic and orders of the Minister of Defence – said General Radovanović and added that in the future the inspectors would do their job in a quality fashion in order to give contribution to the enhancement of defence system though their work.
The University of Defence was hounded on 24th February 2011, as an autonomous high education institution dealing with the activities of high education through academic studies of the first, second and third degree in several scientific areas in the framework of educational-scientific fields of social-humanist, technical-technological and medical sciences.
The Defence Inspectorate continues the tradition of inspection bodies established in the Kingdom of Serbia, and this year it celebrates its day for the second time in the memory of 1911 when pursuant to a Decree of the Petar the First Karađorđević the Chief Inspectorate of the Overall Armed Forces was established.
The joint celebration was attended by representatives of military diplomatic corps, scientific institutions, religious communities and numerous guests.