Meeting of Minister Vulin and Admiral James
Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin met Commander of Allied Joint Forces Command in Naples, Admiral James Foggo. The subjects of the meeting were the current politico-security situation in the region and the possibilities for the enhancement of cooperation with NATO Command in Naples.
- The Republic of Serbia is a reliable, predictable and serious partner to all the actors in the international politico-security scene interested in deepening relations founded on mutual consideration and enhancement of regional and global security. Serbia is military neutral and it is our strategic decision which enables us to cooperate with everyone, the alliances and states from which we have something to learn and which have something to learn from us – the minister of defence stressed. – We particularly appreciate the role that the NATO alliance has been playing through its participation in KFOR forces which we consider to be an institution of the utmost importance and confidence. That is precisely why we expect that the role and mandate of KFOR are not to be diminished, and that the so called Armed Forces of Kosovo are not to be established, which Serbia deems unacceptable. We will continue deepening the cooperation with NATO Command in Naples, especially in the matters of terrorist threats in our region.
During the day, Commander of JFC Command, Admiral James Foggo also met the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković.