Minister Vulin: Following the Steps of Saint Sava We Cannot Go Wrong
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin attended today the celebration of the Slava of the school in Karlovci Grammar School in Sremski Karlovci. On that occasion, Minister Vulin presented a gift of 101 books published by the Media Centre “Odbrana” to the Director of the Grammar School Radovan Kovačević.
According to the minister of defence, celebrating the Day of Saint Sava in our institutions was yet another proof of return to tradition, and return to the best in that tradition and the best in us.
- It is the love for our own people, capability to appreciate its virtues, overcome its weaknesses and to give our best so that every generation that follows is better than the previous one, and worthy of repeating and remembering. Today, in Karlovci Grammar School it is our great pleasure to see, in a place where I spent the most beautiful part of my youth, that the ones who came after us are better, more beautiful, smarter, more hard working than we were, and that the future of our people is certainly safeguarded and improved in this important, grand educational edifice. Attending the Saint Sava official ceremony is a great honour and privilege and on this day our nation remembers what we should be like and it knows which direction we should follow – Minister Vulin said and stressed that by following the steps of Saint Sava, following the path of our nation, we cannot go wrong.
Director Radovan Kovačević thanked the minister of defence for the donation on the celebration of that day and recalled the peace-making mission of Saint Sava. He underlined that education and upbringing of the young have always been and it will always be the most important mission and main task of Karlovci Grammar School.
- We have to live properly and act exemplarily and the generations of our pupils will behave likewise. That is what Saint Sava did and that is why he had many followers. Even today, we learn from him about love and tolerance that should prevail in every family, school, in the entire social community in all nations – Director of Karlovci Grammar School stressed.
Today’s ceremony was attended by Bishop of Srem, Vasilije, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, local government and professors and pupils of Karlovci Grammar School, and the celebration included a rich artistic and cultural programme in accordance with the observation of the Slava of the School Saint Sava.
Karlovci Grammar School is the oldest Serbian Grammar School, founded in 1791. Today’s building of the school was built in 1891. It possesses highly valuable Memorial library, which is otherwise the monument of culture, with more than 20000 books and 10000 periodicals, exemplars, great number of Serbian books from 18th and 19th Century, printed Srbuljas, manuscripts, magazines and journals. In its entirety the Library is a cultural monument.
Giving books to high schools in Serbia on the occasion of Saint Sava Day is a part of the activity of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces aimed at enriching school libraries and promoting the military profession at the same time, since the book selection is tailored for the high school age, and the young who are to choose their calling in life.
At celebrations of marking Saint Sava Day, representatives of commands and units of the Serbian Armed Forces presented the gift of 101 books of military publications and cultural heritage of Serbia to Grammar School “Nikola Tesla” in Apatin, the School of Trade and Catering Industry “Toza Draganović“ in Kragujevac, Technical School in Požega and Grammar School “Radoš Jovanović Selja” in Kuršumlija.
Last year, the books were presented to Grammar School in Šabac, High School of Economy in Sombor, Technical School “15th May” in Prokuplje, Grammar School “Bora Stanković” in Vranje, Grammar School in Pirot and Technical School in Pančevo.
The proposal for the schools to receive the gift came from Division for Civil-Military Cooperation of the General Staff on the basis of the level of the established cooperation with the Serbian Armed Forces.