Fire Was Quickly Extinguished, All Patients Are Well
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin with his associates visited this evening the MMA.
After the tour, the minister of defence stressed that owing to a quick intervention and the employees of the MMA and the Ministry of the Interior graver consequences of the fire had been avoided and the MMA would as of the following day continue with its regular work in full capacity.
- All the families of our patients should be calm, and all the patients are taken care of, they feel well, they are well taken care of and they continue their treatment normally. At this moment the work is being done on the recovery of the damage. I particularly wish to thank our cadets who volunteered, just like all the employees of the MMA who came, they are collecting water, repairing things, and they are making things better and simpler. They are all well, everyone is taken care of, and everything will continue as it was before and the damage will soon be repaired – Minister Vulin said and once again thanked everyone who participated in the putting out of the fire.
Acting Head of the MMA Colonel Prof Dr Miroslav Vukosavljević pointed out that the fire had broken out that evening in the part for functional diagnostics for rheumatology and haematology of the Military Medical Academy where there were no patients.

- The fire was quickly extinguished, by both our fire fighting forces and the forces of the Fire Fighting Brigade of Belgrade. Currently the effects are being eliminated in terms of water, consequences of fire extinguishing, but the most importantly there are no human losses. A portion of the patients was only relocated because of the smoke that came to the part for the stationary treatment and after an hour and half they have been returned to their beds because everything is under control. There are no consequences for the health of the patients. The MMA continues with its work, except for this part which was caught by fire and which is going to be temporarily closed – Colonel Vukosavljević said.
The fire that broke out around 19.30 this evening on the fourth floor of the Military Medical Academy in a part of the MMA Polyclinic for functional diagnostics for rheumatology and haematology where there are no hospitalised patients was quickly put out.
The responsible prosecutor was informed about the event and the inspection is going to be conducted by a specialised team of the Ministry of Interior.