Jubilee of the Military Hospital Niš Observed
On the Day of the Military Hospital Niš, an official ceremony was held in the Military Club of that town, to mark 140 years of existence and work of the renowned institution.
Minister of Defence AleksandarVulin with his associates attended the event, as well as the Army Commander Lieutenant Colonel MilosavSimović, Acting Head of Military Health Department Colonel UglješaJovičić, representatives of local government and religious communities, and associations that cherish patriotic tradition, retired and active members of the Military hospital and the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
- The way they acted in war, they act in the time of peace, The Ministry of Defence is resolved to raise the level of investments in military health and, in that respect, the Military Hospital in Niš can expect shortly that we will complete the initiated works on the surgical theatre for endoscopy, and that we will continue with investments initiated last year, and I will remind you that we have allocated 125 million dinars for the Military Hospital Niš - for the procurement of the state-of-the-art equipment. These procurements are to be finalised these days. One of the most significant, perhaps is the first, the acquisition of digital X-ray devices in the value of 50 million dinars – Minister Vulin said and added that the Ministry of Defence would continue investing in the Military Hospital Niš, but in all those military hospitals as well, because it believed that the quality of services and health protection needed to be exactly the same no matter where you live.
- Our insured personnel and members, an all those who seek assistance in our facilities, must have the best possible care, regardless of where they live and work. That is how we have operated so far and it will continue to be like that in the future. The quality of military health care is of great value to us and it is confirmed once again that every investment in the military health care is an investment in the quality of life and health protection of every other citizen of the country.
The minister of defence pointed out that we were most of all proud of our military doctors and all those who worked in the military health care.
Head of the Military Hospital Niš Colonel JovicaStanojković spoke about the military medical institution, the establishment of which laid the foundation for development of health care in the town of Niš and its surroundings.
- 140 years ago, upon a proposal of a greatly important Serbian, Head of medical service Colonel Dr VladanĐorđević, a great Military Hospital of Niš was founded next to the Ćele Kula which has been sharing the fate of the town of Niš, Serbian armed forces and citizens for 14 decades. On its rocky road it follows the Serbian soldier through all defensive and liberation wars which did not pass this area by – the Head of the Military Hospital Nišsaid and added that on that day it was an modern institution, and that, together with other military health institutions, under the management of the Military Health Department, it offered the highest level of medical protection to its insured.
- It closely cooperates with the Clinical Centre Nišand other health care institution in the region, and it permanently develops and advances itself through the education of its personnel and infrastructural and technical equipping. Today, as before, the Military Hospital Nišis the pride of its town and the Serbian Armed Forces, and our task is to further cherish it and maintain it, just like the glorious traditions of the Serbian military – Colonel Jovica Sanojkovićsaid.
This morning the representatives of the hospital laid wreaths at the monument erected in 1915 by doctors to their patients and colleagues fallen at the time of severe typhoid epidemic.
Marking of the jubilee started three days ago with the first showing of a documentary film “Military Hospital – from its establishment until today” and with opening of the exhibition of photographs and show pieces from the First World War “The People will coat it in gold” that will be opened in the Military Club in Nišuntil 27th January.