Minister Vulin: We are Ready to Execute each Order of the Supreme Commander
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces and Ministry of Defence are vigilantly and attentively monitoring the situation in our environment and they are capable of reacting to any kind of endangering of our territory and security of citizens of the Republic of Serbia – Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin said in Raška, during the visit to the barracks “Stefan Nemanja” in the vicinity of the administrative line.
- The Serbian Armed Forces are ready in terms of material and human resources, sufficiently armed and equipped to discharge every order given by the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić and the state bodies to defend our territory, our constitutional order, to defend peace and stability of the entire area. The Serbian Armed Forces are ready to protect each part of our territory and sufficiently organised and prepared so than all the citizens of the Republic of Serbia could be absolutely assured that the peace and stability cannot be threatened as long as the Serbian Armed Forces are here – Minister Vulin said.
He added that after the murder of Oliver Ivanović, one could not say that the situation is peaceful and normal.
- We are all on high alert and we are here today to make sure of the situation and combat readiness of our units and readiness to respond to any treat in this area, and to make sure of our capability to react in case of any occurrences that could significantly threaten the security of all Serbs no matter where they live.
Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković assessed the situation in the country as stable.
- We are executing regular tasks, and closely monitoring the situation in the area of the administrative line in the Ground safety zone and we are taking all necessary measures to detect any threat to security, primarily the security of the citizens of the Republic of Serboa, and to most efficiently respond to it. This is particularly dictated by yesterday’s event, the assassination of Oliver Ivanović. Definitely, there are smaller or larger organised groups that do not care for peace and stability in this area. The members of security forces and the armed forces are ready to adequately respond and protect the security of all – General Diković stated.
During the visit from Minister Vulin and General Diković to the members of the Second Army Brigade in the barracks “Stafan Nemanja” in Raška, Commander of the 21st Infantry Battalion Mayor Živan Ikraš reported on the state of the unit which was followed by a meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces with the President of the municipality of Raška, Ignjat Rakitić and Secretary of Administrative district of Raška Miloje Kundaković.
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković, accompanied by Army Commander Lieutenant Colonel Milosav Simović and Deputy Commander of the 2nd Brigade Colonel Muharem Fazlić toured a segment of memorial room of the Second Brigade and area for religious services dedicated to Saint Simeon the Myrrh–Flowing and they attended regular physical fitness exercise of the battalion members.
During the tour, Minister Vulin pointed out that on that day they managed to visit the 21st Infantry Battalion that continued the tradition of the glorious 37th motorised brigade that had become renowned in its defence of Serbia against the NATO aggression.
- We can once again say how much we are proud of each of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces both back in 1999 and today. We are so proud of the 37th Motorised Brigade and its commander and every warrior who stood then in defence of his homeland. The times when we were ashamed are behind us, and when we explained that the ones who defended us were in fact wrong, and those time will repeat never again and today we had an opportunity to say that to the members of the Serbian Armed Forces and those who are no longer our members, so that we can say, proud of each other reminding ourselves of the time of defence, that we are ready for the future – Minister Vulin said.