Annual Press Conference of the Minister of Defence: the Citizens Know that They Can Rely on the Armed Forces
The annual press conference of Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin was held today in Belgrade Central Military Club. On that occasion, Minister Vulin, with the members of his Board, presented the results of work of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces in previous six months, together with the plans for the year 2018.
At the beginning of his address, Minister Vulin pointed out that in the previous six months, the Ministry of Defence, with all its members, with the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, and with the great support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, had done a lot, and that it had changed many things and that the changes were for the better.
According to his words, attention was paid to resolving housing issues, since one of the most difficult things for every man is to solve his housing problem.
- We can say that in the previous six months we have solved the housing problem for 347 members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces. We have also given 612 million dinars for subsidized housing credits which makes some 233 credits. We are quite gladdened by the position of the Supreme Commander that the housing construction will begin the next year for all the members of the security sector. There is a great need in the armed forces for the flats, both among retired members and among those who are now serving in the Serbian Armed Forces, and also among those who are just deciding whether to become a part of the Serbian Armed Forces. Once they know that their housing issue is certainly resolved, I am sure that it will be another great incentive for them to become a part of the Serbian Armed Forces. We pay attention to families as well and we are trying as much as we can that the families of our members feel that we pay attention to them, to feel that all that self-denial, daily self-denial of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces is appreciated in the Serbian Armed Forces and consequently in their families. That is why we have introduced a non-financial reward which implies sending our members on a recovery, together with a member of their families and in these six months 351 members of the Serbian Armed Forces received this reward which means seven days at the expense of the Ministry of Defence in our facilities whether it is Tara, Vrnjačka Spa or Morović, or seven days that they will spend with their family – the minister of defence emphasised.
Furthermore, Minister Vulin particularly underlined the significance of the fact that the economy recognised that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces and their families deserve a special attention and special appreciation.
Speaking about strengthening operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, the minister of defence assessed that the Serbian Armed Forces had worked arduously, exercised diligently and he expressed his expectation that in the following year one of the focal tasks would be the improvement of the operational capabilities, more activities and more exercises.
- We have conducted 299 exercises of unit commands with the involvement of more than 10 thousand members of the Serbian Armed Forces. Basic and specialist training was carried out by 1035 soldiers serving voluntary military service. Some 106 courses were organised that were attended by 1917 members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces. We pay a lot of attention to activate our reserve again, to have our reservists undergo adequate training and be again a part of their armed forces if need be and that is why we have conducted courses, several day or one day long training for 2020 individuals from the Serbian Armed Forces reserve. As you know, in some earlier times, civil defence sector was abolished, that important part of the armed forces was abolished and we have reintroduced it by the new systematisation – Minister Vulin reminded.
As for military exercises, Minister Vulin particularly highlighted the demonstration of a part of operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces “Freedom 2017” when we showed how far we have gone in the implementation of the project “1500” which was continued under the new name “1500+”.
- We have also exercised during command and staff exercise “Thunder 2017” and at the last great exercise with more than 500 participants “Winter 2017” that was conducted on the training ground “Pasuljanske livade” with active participation of the Air Forces and infantry – Minister Vulin stressed.
Speaking about equipping the Serbian Armed Forces, the minister of defence expressed special satisfaction with the equipping of the Air Force with six planes MiG 29, because these were the first new assets fielded in our Air Force since 1987.
- We have equipped ourselves with light weapons, thermovision, laser and optical sighting devices, ballistic equipment, parachutes, rockets and ammunition of all calibres. Our soldier has to be equipped in accordance with the highest standards, and that is why we have acquired 7030 sets of field uniform M10 upon the order of the Supreme Commander and decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, around billion and 52 million dinars were provided and we have signed a contract with “Jumko” from Vranje for the procurement of additional 20 thousand sets of uniform M10, and additional 2000 pieces of windcheaters, jackets, trousers, 4000 shirts, T-shirts, 3400 summer trousers, 400 sets of uniforms for the needs of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces deployed to multinational operations, because, as you know, we participate in 10 multinational operations. We expect that the deadlines will be met and we expect that every our member will have two sets of uniforms, and new boots. Delivery was made of 2000 pairs of boots, and we have agreed delivery of 8000 more, and we have signed a contract for the procurement of additional 27,000 pairs of boots – Minister Vulin emphasised adding that our armed forces did not recall soldiers being so well equipped, well dressed, with new boots, new uniforms and everything else that made them soldiers.
According to the words of the minister of defence, the members of the Serbian Armed Forces were engaged on securing the administrative line with the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
- Moreover, together with the Ministry of Interior, we have decisively contributed to the control of the migrant crisis in our territory. If it had not been for our forces at the borders towards Bulgaria and Macedonia, the migrant crisis in this country would not have been controlled and the number of migrants, which is currently around 4,000, would not have been so low – Minster Vulin assessed.
The Serbian Armed Forces are always there for their people – the minister of defence underlined- and they have always been there for their people, and the citizens of Serbia know that they can rely on their armed forces:
- We put out fires in the territory of Kladovo municipality; we brought supplies to the population of Niš, Nova Varoš and Svrljig when it was required. In December, the members of the Serbian Armed Forces organised a lecture “Military pyro technicians in primary school”. We taught children about what they should not do and how to protect themselves. We are reintroducing the military in everyday life, we are reintroducing it where it belongs – with our children – Minister Vulin said adding that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces had reconstructed the park “Milica Rakić” in the previous period, carried out many works in Novi Pazar, Raška, Nova Varoš, Ivanjica, Prokuplje and many other municipalities where the Serbian Armed Forces work the minister of defence reminded.
Our military health – Minister Vulin said – rightfully enjoys a great reputation in our country. He underlined that the military health is not only available to the members of the armed forces, but it is at disposal to all the citizens of Serbia.
- It is precisely for the purpose of promoting it that we have established a completely new activity – free health examinations which we conducted on two occasions in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš. More than 1500 patients had free examinations and all of them were rather pleased and wished to come back – the minister of defence said adding that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces also had an activity “Military doctor in the village” which meant that military doctors in 26 municipalities and 35 villages provide free medical examinations to our citizens in distant and desolate villages with predominantly old households.
He also pointed out that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces desired investing in the military health so that all military medical centres, not only the MMA, could be at the highest level possible.
Minster Vulin reminded that our armed forces did not only develop in terms of armament, uniforms and equipment, but it also invests into infrastructure. He reminded that 81 flats had been constructed in Bežanijska kosa, that the construction of facilities in South Base had been completed and that full renovation of the Military Academy had been initiated and that there were plans for the full renovation of the Military Grammar School.
- Our children deserve to live in the best conditions because they are the best, because they work the hardest, they learn the best, because they parents have confidence in us when they entrust us with their children. That trust must not be betrayed – the minister of defence said reminding that gasification had also been done in the TOF “Čačak”, and that the construction of accommodation facility had been completed, which was very important according to him since the Serbian Armed Forces had suffered a lot during NATO Aggression and what had been destroyed then was still being rebuild.
He added that our barracks have to have facilities that could house all materiel and that the goal was not to have any asset standing in the open as soon as possible.
- Serbian defence industry is an important segment of our Ministry. This has been a good year. We have issued permissions for 870 million dollars which is by 24 per cent more than in 2016. There is a great worldwide demand for our products. We have justified it by our quality and our knowledge. Every investment in Serbian defence industry is investment in technological development of the entire country of ours – the minister of defence said.
He added that the Ministry of Defence has introduced a novelty that being a permanently open competition for the admittance of professional soldiers to the Serbian Armed Forces. He added that each day, young men and girls could apply at one of the centres and become part of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- This year, we have admitted 1,538 professional soldiers. Additional 639 persons are in different stages of admission procedure. We have commissioned 169 youngest officers into the rank of Second Lieutenant of the Serbian Armed Forces. The Serbian Armed Forces set full manning to be one of its goals. The goal is to man every position and we have obtained support for that by the Supreme Commander and the Government of the Republic of Serbia – Minister Vulin said and added that the citizens should know that the armed forces is there for them, that it is open and that it awaits for them.
He reminded that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces actively participated in international cooperation and that the reputation of the Serbian Armed Forces was high both in the East and West. He added that the partners were pleased to talk to the Serbian Armed Forces, that the Serbian Armed Forces could be learnt from, and that it could exercise both in the Russian Federation and in the NATO countries.
According to his words, in each of 10 multination operations our members are evaluated with the highest grades and commended, so in every of those operations the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces are asked to remain and increase the number of their members and to enhance the cooperation by involvement in some new multinational operations.
- The Serbian Armed Forces are exceptionally appreciated. The Serbian Armed Forces are in the most difficult missions – in Somalia, in Central African Republic, we are in always restless Lebanon, and we are always where it is the hardest. Our dedication to the maintenance of peace and the capability of our men to keep the peace are highly appreciated – the minister of defence said.
He pointed out that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces are very proud of the University of Defence, the results accomplished by students and professors, adding that the system did everything in its power in order to provide the best living and working conditions, primarily through the renovation of the Military Academy and Military Grammar School.
On that occasion he reminded that the strategic documents were being passed, primarily the Strategy of National Security of the Republic of Serbia whose draft had been finished, the White Paper of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Long-term Development Plan of Defence System of the Republic of Serbia, Mid-term Development Plan of Defence System.
Minister Vulin stressed that those were very important laws that would enable better functioning of our armed forces and that would enable the members of our armed forces, when professional soldiers are in question, to remain in the armed forces until retirement and that would allow NCOs to be adequately educated and hope to be promoted to officers. These are the laws that would, according to his words, enable, among others, investments in Serbian defence industry.
- The state of Serbia will not permit losing control over Serbian defence industry but it does want to attract investments, money, knowledge and those who can provide markets for us – Vulin said.
He reminded that the Ministry of Defence was one of the ministries that, owing to understanding of the Supreme Commander and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, had one of the largest increases of budget for the year 2018 amounting to 70,5 billion dinars.
- The Ministry of Defence very responsibly handles the money from the budget and that is why I am pleased to say that today the spending of the approved budgetary resources is 99 per cent. The Ministry of Defence does not have unsettled obligations; we owe nothing – the minister of defence said stressing that the armed forces honoured their obligations.
Minister Vulin said that in the year to come, the foremost aspiration would be to further improve financial status of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces and he reminded that there was a good reason why the Serbian Armed Forces were one of the most renowned institutions in Serbia.
- Serbs love their armed forces, just like the armed forces deserve their love and respect. The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Supreme Commander will continue supporting the armed forces just as they are which are guarantee of stability, guarantee of development and success. There cannot be a successful, stable country which invests in economy, without strong armed forces that guarantees peace and security. The Serbian Armed Forces guarantee peace and security to every citizen, just like it guarantees peace and security in the entire region – Minister Vulin concluded.
Answering the questions of the journalists about the training plane “Lasta” being fielded in the Serbian Armed Forces, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković confirmed that this type of aircraft had been fielded in the arms and military equipment and was used for initial training of our cadets and pilots.
Speaking about the procurements for the Serbian Armed Forces, Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović pointed out that eight new guided missiles systems were presented during the year as well as numerous modernisations of complex combat systems, including the modernisation package for assault plane “Orao”.
Asked to summarise what nationally produced weapons have been fielded in the Serbian Armed Forces so far, General Diković pointed out that there were many assets including the mentioned plane “Lasta”.
- Moreover, our national industry managed to prepare one 50 kilometres range artillery system such as “Nora” so that our armed forces could successfully use it as an armoured vehicle which is something that much more developed countries develop for several decades – General Diković said and highlighted that our armed forces would not depend on the will of the others and we would not have to ask for their permission to buy something or not.
Assistant Minister Miloradović responding to the same question added that the procurements in the Serbian Armed Forces are quite complex long-term planning process, and he reiterated that some 95 weapons systems, military equipment and suitable ammunition made that plan which was included in the said long-term development plan for defence system.
Answering the question what it was of the arms and military equipment that the Serbian Armed Forces lacked, but that was planned to be procured, and whether those planes envisaged procuring S-300 system, the minister of defence said that such serous matters could not be discussed in media, but that the public would be informed about it the very moment the adequate decisions and estimates were made.