We Are Solving Housing Issue the Moment One Becomes a Member of the Serbian Armed Forces
Today, in the Great War Hall of the Old General Staff, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff General Ljubiša Diković handed the keys to 34 flats for active and retired members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
- What we have not done for decades we will start doing next year and no members of the Serbian Armed Forces, who desire spending their lives in the Serbian Armed Forces, will be left without a flat, not even one of them. It is only required to wish something, it is required to give your best when discharging your tasks and the state is here to assist, and the state is here to provide life, a better life for you and your family. Many of you have spent entire career waiting for the resolution of their housing issue, but starting from the next year, that will not be the case. Starting from the next year, we will begin resolving the housing issue when one becomes a member of the Serbian Armed Forces, so that you and your families are taken care of, so that you know in advance that the most difficult and greatest problem or the greatest joy and the greatest happiness is something that you can count on and that you should only worry about your work, your armed forces and your country – Minister Vulin pointed out.
Addressing the present, Minister Vulin underlined that on that day, they resolved a great, and some would say the most difficult life problem, for them and their families – the final resolution of the housing issue.
- During your career, you have changed a lot of addresses, you changed them many times, and it is high time you said – this is my home and this is where I live – both for you and your families. This is our way to thank you for the years of service, for the loyalty to the homeland, armed forces, for everything that you have done in your work. I know that no one becomes a soldier because he thinks that he would have a flat, because I know that one becomes a soldier for he believes in and loves his homeland, because he is ready to dedicate the whole life to serving it, to security and defence of each its man, each its child. But it is good to know that the state is there to care and it is good to know that the state is there to solve that problem as well – Minister Vulin emphasised.
- With great gratitude for everything that you have done for your country and your armed forces, I want, once again, to remind you of how much this country loves your and how proud it is of you. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia! – Minister Vulin said.
- We have got a three and a half room flat in Obrenovac. We are very glad because we will celebrate the New Year in our flat – Major Jeftić said who had waited with his wife and children for 19 years to resolve his housing issue.
Ever since 1992 retired Lieutenant Colonel Mirko Vojvodić has been waiting for his roof over his head, who during his soldier’s career lived in several states of former Yugoslavia working on duties in defence industry.
The handover of keys was attended by State Secretaries in the Ministry of Defence Aleksandar Živković and Bojan Jocić and Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović PhD.
In order to resolve the housing issue of the members of the Ministry of Defence, upon the initiative of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vučić, the Government has established a Board for the preparation of Draft programme for the housing construction of the members of the security sector. It is a project for mass housing construction for the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, Police and Security Information Agency which they will be able to buy out at favourable conditions.