Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Through agreement to even better defence cooperation with Cyprus

Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who is paying an official visit to the Republic of Cyprus at the invitation of its Minister of Defence Christoforos Fokaides, has been received today in Nicosia with the highest military and state honours.
The two ministers signed an Agreement on the Exchange and Protection of Classified Information, which is the legal basis for a more intensive intelligence exchange which, as the signatories say, is of great importance in the conditions of growing asymmetric threats encountered not only by Serbia, Cyprus and the region, but also by the whole world.
As Minister Vulin said, this is an agreement that will definitely bring closer our two ministries, because, “no matter how geographically distant, we are in the same area and confronted with similar threats. Religious fundamentalism, terrorist threats, the migrant crisis affect both countries and that is why we must have the opportunity to exchange information that will increase our security”.
- What is also very important to us, and greatly supported by the signing of this agreement, is our exchange both in military education and in the joint activities of the two armies on which we will hopefuly very soon reach an appropriate bilateral agreement in the field of defence for the next year, the Serbian Defence Minister pointed out.
He added that the signed agreement would also enable better representation of the Serbian defence industry in Cyprus, including “everything we produce, ammunition, weapons, tools, everything that this country needs, and we will be able to offer, and it is also important for security of both of the two countries”.
Speaking to the media, Minister Fokaides said that Cyprus has principled position in supporting Serbia on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as on the issue of its membership of the European Union:
- We believe that the process of the EU integration is crucial for peace and stability in the Western Balkans region, the Cypriot Minister of Defence stressed.
In his statement, Minister Vulin expressed his satisfaction with the fact that he is in Cyprus, among friends, where he feels at home.
- In the first place, I wish to thank your Government, your President and your people for a principled position and uncompromising support when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija. In the most difficult moments for us, Cyprus has always supported us. Even when much bigger and stronger countries hesitated to respect the international law, Cyprus was firmly in line with international law and, therefore, with Serbia, the Serbian Minister of Defence said and underlined that Serbia strongly supports the peace policy and policy of dialogue implemented by the Cypriot Government and the President, and strongly supports the Cypriot people.
- It is the only way. We understand how difficult it is for you and we know how it is when you have to make compromises, but it is the only way to maintain peace and fight for what belongs to your people. Therefore, once again, the Government of the Republic of Serbia strongly supports the peace policy and the dialogue policy you are running in resolving the Cyprus problem. The proof of this is our deep commitment to staying in the United Nations mission and we perceive this as our way of showing you how much we are by your side, how much we wish to be where it is difficult.
The confirmation that the two ministries cooperate well is also the signing of the Agreement, which will enable even better cooperation, Minister Vulin said adding that Serbia and Cyprus are together also in the Helbroc battle group in which they will jointly address the threats such as religious fanaticism and terrorist threats to which we must give a joint answer, and the mentioned agreement allows that.
- Our countries are friendly. Our peoples are friendly and so should our troops stand next to each other. I would like to thank Minister Fokaides, a man who understands what Serbia is most concerned about and what Serbia is most happy about. And he can be sure that we know how much injustice can hurt, but also how much victory, truth and justice can make one happy, Minister Vulin said, and invited his Cypriot colleague to visit Belgrade next year.
Minister of Defence of the Republic of Serbia laid the wreath at the Makedonitissa military cemetery, and during the afternoon, at the UNFICYP HQ, Minister Vulin will talk to Major General Mohammad Humayun Kabir, Force Commander, and visit members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces who are engaged in this multinational operation