Day of Central Logistic Base Marked
Congratulating the holiday to the members of the Base, Head of Logistics Department Brigadier General Željko Ninković conveyed the congratulations from the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković and reminded of the greatest trials which the unit successfully overcame managing to preserve material resources and timely provide then to the units of the armed forces.
- Central Logistic Base represents a fundamental pillar of the logistic support and an anchor of all the units in discharging the missions of the Serbian Armed Forces – Head of Department said and added that the Base integrated all logistic services and that the experience of its members was interwoven in every task executed by the units of the Serbian Armed Forces.
He pointed out that the Central logistic base enjoyed great reputation in the armed forces having in mind the significance of tasks it executed and the results achieved in the overall functioning of logistic support and that the personnel of the unit were characterised by expertise, responsibility, motivation and discipline.
- You are expected to continue successfully discharging the assigned tasks and the state will, in accordance with the capabilities, provide full support in providing conditions for your successful work – General Ninković said.
Commander of the Central Logistic Base Brigadier General Petar Latković reminded of the history and significant events of the units.
He underlined that, in the previous period, the unit had executed all the tasks assigned to it pointing out that the greatest and most significant organisational change in the Serbian Armed Forces had been conducted in the Central Logistic Base, by establishing the 1st Logistic Centre. Instancing the indicators that speak in favour of the efforts made so that the logistic support of depending units of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence is constant and timely, he particularly emphasised that the storages of the Base had received significant quantities of explosive ordnance, fuel, over 15 thousand tons of energy sources, 25 thousand of accumulators, batteries, tyres, spare parts and other.
- Over 1.7 million kilometres were traversed during the tasks of supplying the units of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, optimisation of storage space and functioning of logistic support; more than 60 thousand individuals were transported and some 20 thousand tons of cargo while more than 4,3 million litres of fuel were distributed.
Commander of the Central Logistic Base Brigadier General Petar Latković pointed out that in the following period they optimistically waited for an increase in manning of the unit, its necessary accruement and increase of standard of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- Our imperative for the future will be to preserve life and health of people, to safeguard the property that has been entrusted to us and to permanently enhance the efficiency of the logistic support – the General said wishing happy holiday, good health and new successes in work to all the members of the Base.
On the occasion of the Day of the Central Logistic Base, scrolls of honour were presented to the members of institutions and establishment with which the Base successfully cooperated in the previous period, and the best current and previous members of the units were awarded and commended. Apart from celebrating its day, today, the unit also celebrated its Protector’s Day – the Restoration of the Temple of the St. Martyr George – Đurđic.