Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Day of the Military Security Agency Observed

This evening, an official reception was organised in the Great War Hall of the Old General Staff to mark the Day of the Military Security Agency. The celebration was attended by Secretary General of the President of the Republic, Minister of Interior and Secretary of the National Security Council Nebojša Stefanović, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković, Director of Security-Information Agency Bratislav Gašić, state and military officials, representatives of religious communities, diplomatic corps and numerous guests from cultural and public life.

Congratulating the holiday to the members of MSA, Minister Stefanović highlighted that our security system has an opportunity to strengthen and in the most serious way protect the citizens of Serbia.

-MSA performs a highly complex work. The stability of Serbia, all that happens in a positive way in our country, speaks in favour of how well the work is done. In today’s world we quite often witness situations of different threats to security all over Europe and world. Today, information about terrorist activities and challenges that organised crime and all other entail, are yet a motive for us to make greater effort to make our security system unified and strong so that our response is such that we deter every possible threat to our country and its citizens – Minister Stefanović said.

MSA Director, Brigadier General Petar Cvetković pointed out that like in all previous years, in this year as well, the Agency and all its members performed their tasks led by patriotism and high professionalism, dedicated to one goal only – security of the Ministry of Defence, Serbian Armed Forces, Republic of Serbia and all its citizens.

- Military Security Agency is in any moment ready and capable, both in terms of personnel and technically as well, to adequately and timely respond to all security challenges, risks and threats directed against armed forces of the Republic of Serbia, its citizens and institutions. It is a daily work, gruelling, brimming with different challenges and extremely demanding – General Cvetković said and added that, despite the fact that the work of the MSA was occasionally exposed to certain criticisms and doubts, regardless whether it was the matter of misunderstanding about the specifics of the work of this service or these reconsiderations were the product of founded authority and rights, the MSA has been and will remain a service of security where the security of its homeland, Serbia is of the utmost importance.

The Day of the Military Security Agency is observed on 12th November in memory of 1839 when a military law of the Principality of Serbia was passed for the first time which mentioned the acts and sanctions in case of treason, espionage, rebellion and other forms of threats to security of the armed forces and the state.