Day of the First Army Brigade Celebrated in Novi Sad
Day of the unit – 9th November was observed in the barracks “Jugovićevo in Novi Sad by ceremonial line up of the members of the First Army Brigade in the presence of the Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simović.
- Today, our worth lies in our capability to defend our country, from both military and non-military threats. We tested our capabilities in the last year in international and national exercises, numerous firings from personal and collective weapons. During the entire year we were engaged, with short breaks, on securing administrative line towards Kosovo and Metohija and controlling the Ground Safety Zone with occasional engagement of over 300 men per day. Everything that I have mentioned represents our results, our strength and our capability. We are equipped and trained to provide necessary support, if needed, to the population in the fight against floods and when lives and property are threatened- Commander of the First Army Brigade, Brigadier General Željko Petrović said addressing the present.
Army Commander Lieutenant General Simović congratulated the Day of the unit to the members of the First Brigade. Together with Brigadier General Petrović, he presented the awards and recognitions to the most deserving. Also present at the celebration were Đorđe Milićević, Vice President of the Government of Vojvodina, Milan Novakov, Head of South Bačka district, Miloš Vučević, Mayor of Novi Sad, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed forces, Ministry of Interior, Church and other religious communities and other numerous guests.
The First Infantry Squad of the 2nd Infantry Company of the 11th Infantry Battalion was proclaimed the best unit of the First Brigade, which is led by Squad Commander Sergeant Major Željko Kuprešak who received a recognition from Lieutenant Colonel Simović.
Following the official march-past of the units, a technical display of the arms and equipment of the members of the unit, was organised for the guests.
The Day of the First Brigade, 9th November, is observed in memory of historical date when in 1918 a unit of the Seventh Infantry Regiment of the Kingdom of Serbia Army, led by Major Vojislav Bugarski marched into Novi Sad.