Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Ceremony on the Occasion the First Brigade Day

Last night an official ceremony was held in the Military Club in Novi Sad on the occasion on 9th November, the Day of the First Army Brigade.

As Brigadier General Željko Petrović, Commander of the 1st Brigade stressed at the beginning of his address to the guests and members of the Brigade, the official ceremony was organised in honour of our glorious ancestors, the participants of the Great War whose traditions we continued, and it was dedicated to the history and our knowledge, remembrance and hopes.
- The war successes of the Serbian armed forces and suffering of Serbian people cannot and will not be forgotten. They teach us and at the same time oblige us. They teach us about love of freedom and fatherland, virtues of a soldier, they teach us about honour but they oblige us to have firmness of character. We have to build our future firmly relying on our famous ancestors and lessons from the past, defending the heritage and respecting the differences. There is no more honourable calling that the military calling, nor a duty more holy than defending one’s people and homeland. Our glorious forefathers showed to us how important freedom is and how high its cost is through their timeless feats, and our historical obligation is to preserve it and transmit its value to our descendants - Brigadier General Petrović said among other.
Miloš Vučević Mayor of Novi Sad attended the official ceremony which was enriched by the performance of well-known Serbian musical composition and marches performed by the Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanisalv Binički”. The artistic part of the programme included the appearance of the choir of Grammar School “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” in Novi Sad, Cultural and Artistic Association “Saint Sava” from Kać and actor of Serbian National Theatre Miodrag Petrović.
During the ceremony, General Petrović presented deserving members of the Brigade with Military memorial medals for the participation in combat actions and Medals for zealous military service.