Confirmation of the Cooperation between the Ministries of Defence of Serbia and Hungary
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Minister of Defence of Hungary István Simicskó met today on the side-lines of the international sports competition “57th World Military Cross-Country Championship” organised by the delegation of the Ministry of Defence of Hungary to CISM that is taking place in Balatonakarattya in Hungary.
On that occasion, Minister Vulin pointed out that Hungary and Serbia cooperate well in all fields and in the military cooperation field as well.
-Today we talked about the ways to educate our officers, about how our armed forces can practice together and learn from each other, and I am particularly pleased that Minister Simicskó has once again stressed the principled position of Hungary which highly appreciates our position of military neutrality and which believes that the policy of our President Aleksandar Vučić, is the best for our country when it comes to the matter of military neutrality and when it comes to the approach of our country to all great world crisis and problems - Minister Vulin emphasised.
According to him, during that day’s discussion with his Hungarian colleague, it was agreed to continue the cooperation in all military-to-military fields.
- We have agreed to continue numerous military activities in the next year as well as to by all means do everything in our power so that the problems such as the migrant crisis, and all the challenges that could be a threat to our countries, are properly considered, and that we respond to them in the best possible manner, and share information and fight against everything that could jeopardise our countries. Of course, we talked about the position of the Serbian national minority in Hungary and the position of the Hungarian national minority in Serbia, and we were certainly very pleased to say that they represent a bridge between our countries and that it will always be like that – Minister Vulin concluded.
Today’s meeting was attended by Head of Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the International Military Sports Council (CISM) Brigadier General Siniša Radović and Head of Department for International Military Cooperation Navy Captain Milan Konjikovac.