The last thematic day at the Book Fair
Saturday at the Book Fair was an opportunity to present three books at the booth of the Ministry of Defence and Odbrana Media Centre: "Early and delayed health effects of depleted uranium" by Prof. Mirjana Žunić, a doctor at the Clinical Center of Serbia and a guest lecturer at the Military Medical Academy, "Serbian Africade", a collection of papers on cultural history of our army in North Africa during the First World War and "The Road to Sarajevo", by British historian John Rol.
Mirjana Sandić, editor of these publications, said that the problem of depleted uranium is just emerging as a global issue, particularly in our country: "Because of the use of this ammunition in Iraq and the Balkans, this book could be also called" 4x4 "because this was ammunition used at least four times in four war conflicts. It is certain that there is a silent killer on the scene, a Trojan horse of the nuclear war.
"Expressing gratitude to the author and the publisher for their courage to enter into this topic which, according to him, was followed by years of concealment, academician Ljubiša Rakić said that it was too long considered that the consequences of the bombing with this ammunition were local, which is not true:
"The effects that Professor Žunić proves here have two moments - the immediate one and the long-lasting one, in the long run. After the Gulf and Balkan wars, the radiation level was increased at long distances. Depleted uranium does not have immediate major effects like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but its small doses, which are everywhere, make changes to living organisms, and their effects tend to multiply in the future. We must turn to the future, and science should give the answer how we can protect ourselves. Of course, the tabloid approach to this problem is not good, only the scientific one comes into consideration."
Đuro Koruga, the second reviewer of the book that was being produced for seven years, said that its backbone is consideration of the effect which Canadian expert Ted Hough noticed in 1972: "Small doses in the long run have greater effect. At the same time, this is something which is argued about when it comes to depleted uranium. The consequences must be measured, and the theme becomes more important considering that nowadays, local low-intensity nuclear wars cannot be excluded."
Zoran Hamović, director and editor of the "Klio" publishing house, with whom Odbrana issued the other two presented books, said that the "Serbian Africade" and "The Road to Sarajevo" are remembrance of what is important for the Serbian culture, but also try to clarify our relationship with the past:
"After the retreat, 60,000 of our countrymen found themselves in North Africa, especially around Bizerte. They showed there that such an army can function and transform one difficult moment into not only the physical but also the spiritual healing that later led them to the brilliant victory. Because, in Bizerta, there were symphony orchestras, poets, painters, there was a living cultural activity because of which people returned with a healed identity. Our people there said at the zero position "no, we still exist". And they came back. It is 'Serbian Africade, a testimony to it."
Presenting the third book, "The Road to Sarajevo," Hamović emphasized that it was about the essays of great historian John Rol in which he proves once again who is responsible for the outbreak of World War I and responds to all attempts of historical revisionism for contemporary political purposes.
Documentary film "Military Geography Institute over Three Centuries", "War log of the 126th Air Surveillance, Early Warning and Guidance Brigade" and half-hourly film "Zastava Film in 2016" were presented as part of the series of Contemporary Productions of "Zastava Film" on the penultimate day of the Fair.
Today's Fair Day at the booth of the Ministry of Defence and Odbrana MC ended with a public discussion dubbed "Ethics of War - Records on People and Books" whose participants were Dr Jovan Babić, ethics lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, retired Colonel Borislav Grozdić, Colonel Stevica Karapandžin, Director of Odbrana MC, Colonel Srećko Kuzmanović, Head of the Department for Morale, Culture and Tradition of the Serbian Armed Forces, and Aleksandar Stevanović, PhD, from the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad.
Read: Book Fair Chronicle, Day 6