At the Book Fair on Security Topics
On the third day of the Fair, in the "Borislav Pekić" hall, two new editions of Odbrana MC , books signed by retired generals, were presented to security topic enthusiasts: "Enigma and War in Yugoslavia" by Svetko Kovač and "Strategy of National Security in Theory and Practice" by Branko Krga.
Ivan Mijatović, reviewer of the first book, reminded us that there are not many works in our country that deal with such topics with such authoritarianism, emphasizing that the special value of the book is that it deals with the use of Enigma in the area of former Yugoslavia and its post-war destiny.
"First, the history of Enigma is viewed from the perspective of the security services and their conflicts. Then, how Enigma influenced the Yugoslav theatre of war. For example, when the British broke the code for Yugoslavia in 1941, they began to follow this situation, but from the point of protecting their interests and operations in Greece and North Africa. They asked Chetniks of Draža Mihajlović to cut the roads to slow down the supply of Romel's army in North Africa. In that regard, it is necessary to know that the influence of the Enigma had been changing as of 1943 - the Nazis were losing great battles on the territory of the USSR, and Hitler began to believe that the allies would land on the Balkans, which the British encouraged as a belief by using Enigma, although there was no such plan. Thirdly, the fate of these devices in our country after the war is interesting - there are seven of them left in Yugoslavia, three of which are on display and four are in parts. "The audience could see how this machine was used.

"The special value of the book is that the author, comparing the strategies, suggested better solutions and what needs to be improved. The conclusions are that this is the value that adds weight, because only by reading them one can gain important knowledge about the problem of national security", its second reviewer, Academician Siniša Borović, said concluding that this book should be intensive literature of higher education studies not only on the faculties of security, but also on those of economics.
The military film center "Zastava film" has presented itself today with six films: "Unity 83 Exercise", "Serbian Armed Forces in 2016", "History of Military Industry", "Six Stories from Sinai", "Srbicon" and "Visiting our peacekeepers in the Central African Republic ", which are shown as part of the cycle"Military through Times".
Among the many other visitors to the 62nd International Book Fair, the booth of the Ministry of Defence and Odbrana Media Centre have also been visited today by military attachees from China, Greece, Poland, Switzerland, Hungary and Ukraine, who had the opportunity to hear from the director of Odbrana MC Karapandžin more about the books that make a hit offer for the readership this year.