Exercise “Rock 02” Started
At the training ground “Borovac” in the Base “South” a five day tactical exercise “Rock 02” has started, executed by general purpose engineer company of the 310th Engineering Battalion from Prokuplje. The company has been declared for the participation in multinational operations in the framework of Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC).

NATO evaluation “Nel 1” is also going to be conducted during the exercise. Theevaluationisbeingdone according to the standards and procedures of the Operational Capabilities Concept with the involvement of 34 evaluators of the Serbian Armed Forces, partner countries (Canada, France, Ireland, Norway, Romania, USA and Montenegro), Joint Force Command from Naples and Brunssum and Land Forces Command in Ismir. The team of evaluators is headed by French Lieutenant Colonel Benoit Estour.

- The soldiers of our declared units have to know and practically apply modern tactics, techniques and procedures of the Operational Capabilities Concept. That implies the preparation of the units in accordance with the latest standards, in order for them to be interoperable with the partner countries’ units in multinational operations. I would remind you that the 3rd Army Brigade is also preparing for evaluation a light infantry unit of the 31st Infantry Battalion from Zaječar, which is going to take place next week at this very training ground, together with the declared platoons of the 246th CBRN Battalion and Military Police. Theresultsachievedsofarhaveshownthat our units are at a high level of training and I hope that, after the forthcoming evaluations, they will obtain a certificate which would entitle them to stand shoulder to shoulder with the partner countries’ units in some future peacekeeping operations – Colonel Stamenković said.
The members of the general purpose engineer unit, 135 of them, are using engineering machines, arms and equipment envisaged for multinational operations.