Improvement of the Standard and Modernisation of the Military are the Priorities of the Ministry of Defence
At today’s press conference in Central Military Club in Belgrade, Minster of Defence Aleksandar Vulin presented, with his associates, the key results of the work of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces achieved in the period from 29th June till 1st October 2017. He pointed out that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, within the first one hundred days of the work of Serbian Government fulfilled all their planned obligations and more.
- I wish to be fair in respect to people who did this job before me. In last three months we have not initiated the things that have not been done so far, and they would not have been possible if there had been no work of my predecessors. I want to thank then Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vučić, and then Nebojša Rodić, Bratislav Gašić and Zoran Đorđević, because if there had been no their work, as well as the work of other people, who had been there before I came, none of this would not have been possible – Minister Vulin said and added that the Serbian Armed Forces did not exist since only a day before and it would not disappear the following day, because it is a system and one of the most important and most appreciated institutions of this nation. He also said that everything that happens in it takes place in line with plans, in an organised fashion and to the benefit of all the citizens of Serbia.
He underlined that the most significant task of the Ministry of Defence is to develop operational capabilities and to modernise the Serbian Armed Forces, just like to improve the standard of its members.
- It precisely why I want now, on behalf of all the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, to thank the Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vučić since the salaries are going to be increased by 10%, despite numerous oppositions. Owing to his persistence and position that it is primarily the members of security structures, among them being of course the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, that need to be awarded for their hard and self-sacrificing work, we can say that starting from January 2018 we will have higher salaries than ever before – Minister Vulin said who instanced that in October 2014, before the reduction of salaries, a professional soldier’s salary was 34,611 dinars, while after the increase this amount is going to be 39,216 dinars.
Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that other measures have been taken as well to improve the standard.
- Per diem allowance for the work on the field and daily allowance for the service in special military facilities has been increased starting from 1st September to 1100 dinars instead of 800 dinars pursuant to an initiative by the President of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior of Serbia and Security and Information Agency. Furthermore, the development of a long-term project has been initiated for the resolution of housing issue of the members of all security structures. Also, solidarity assistance for the birth of a child of a professional servicemen, or civilian employee will be in the amount of average salary in our country which is, according to the latest data, around 47 thousand dinars.
The minister of defence pointed out that, in keeping with the order of the Supreme Commander, the project of equipping 1500 soldiers or the rapid reaction forces of the Serbian Armed Forces, in accordance with the highest possible world standards, has been finalised and is going to be presented on 20th October.
- Also, something that, I am sure, has rejoiced all of you without an exception, is the news of the arrival of six MiG 29 planes from the military-technical assistance agreed with the Russian Federation. There were those malicious ones who used to say that the planes would have never arrived, and even if they did arrive, they would be no good. Six MiGs have arrived, I am sure rejoicing every one of you, of all the citizens of Serbia, and to repeat the words of the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, our Armed Forces have been saved. This is the first time since 1987 that we have obtained new aircraft and this is how we are strengthening our aviation, and now we can say that its future is certain – Minister Vulin said.
He underlined that Serbia is military neutral country and that, accordingly, it cooperates with everyone, with CSTO, with NATO, with the Armed Forces of the United States of America and Russian Federation, People’s Liberation Army of China and all the countries from whom we can learn and all those willing to learn from us.
-Owing to the work of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, our soldiers, officers and instructors, our doctors, are highly appreciated and everybody wants to have exercises with us sot that 470 our members have participated in the execution of eight multinational exercises with the Russian Federation, USA, Belarus, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Albania and Ukraine – the minister of defence stated who particularly emphasised the importance of the participation of our members in multinational operations as well.
At this moment, 334 members of the Serbian Armed Forces are being engaged in ten multinational UN and EU operations.