Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Since the beginning of the year 1.114 professional soldiers admitted

Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, accompanied by the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Ljubiša Diković, and the Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simović, visited today the Mixed Artillery Brigade and part of the 3rd Army Brigade in Mija Stanimirović barracks in Niš.
After the demonstration of part of the capabilities and tour of the static display, Minister Vulin pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces is making great efforts to increase the number of our members, to improve their status, to pay them better and to take more care of them and their families.
- We can say that, by the efforts of the entire state, from December 2016 until today we have admitted to the Serbian Armed Forces 1.114 new professional soldiers under contract. So far, 2.082 persons applied for, the admission and 1.114 were admitted. Another 867 people are in the process of admission, and by the end of the year, we anticipated that we can admit another 663 people – Minister Vulin said.
He also invited all those interested who meet the appropriate conditions, which means that they have served military service with arms, that they are younger than 30 and that they are citizens of the Republic of Serbia, to come to the Serbian Armed Forces.
- For the Serbian Armed Forces we can expect better days, we can expect a significant increase in salaries, we have already raised daily subsistence allowance, we are working on increasing the standard, starting a significant project of housing construction and you have a material reason to be in the Serbian Armed Forces and, of course, apart from that, there is a reason that cannot be measured and calculated by any money, which is the love for the calling and love for the country – Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin said.