Minister Vulin: We Are Developing the Military, Strengthening the Country
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin said last night at “Batajnica” airport that the first group of the long awaited MiG-29 planes had arrived.
- Two MiG-29 planes have arrived, and by Friday the remaining planes will arrive. Our Air Forces are developing much like our entire military and we expect that as the following steps we will start receiving military technical assistance in the field of Army and thus continue strengthening our country – Minister Vulin said.
He added that intensive preparations for 20th October are in progress.
- We will not only present the Mig-29s that we are receiving as military technical assistance, but we will also present the project “1500” where we will demonstrate the most modern and the best equipped soldiers, and show what the Serbian Armed Forces that we are creating looks like, the Serbian Armed Forces that we desire to have. I once again invite all the citizens to be with us on 20th October, to come to “Batajnica” airport, to share our pride and joy because our Armed Forces are becoming better and better and stronger – Minister Vulin stated.