Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Better Financial Position of the Members of the Serbian Armed Forces is our Particular Obligation and Responsibility

Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin together with Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković, Army Commander Lieutenant Colonel Milosav Simović, Mayor of Novi Sad Miloš Vučićević and Vice President of the Province Government Đorđe Milićević visited the First Army Brigade in the barracks “Jugovićevo” in Novi Sad.
Commander of the First Army Brigade Brigadier General Željko Petrović informed the minister of defence with the schedule, main tasks and engagement of the commands and units of the Brigade within all three missions of the Serbian Armed Forces. The minister and his associates attended collective training of the members of the First Army Brigade.
According to Minister Vulin, after decades of non-investing in development of the Serbian Armed Forces, today, we are witnessing a modernisation of the military, its strengthening but a particular attention is being paid to the financial position of each of its members.
- We are particularly responsible and obliged to enhance the financial position of each member of the military and we can already say that through concrete measures that we have taken the things are changing for the better. We have increased troop allowance, introduced solidarity allowance for the birth of a child, introduced an opportunity of refinancing housing credits which are no longer treated as early pay off, but are interpreted as an opportunity to get a credit which is more favourable and cheaper, or in other words the reimbursement for the resolution of the housing issue is maintained. In cooperation with the town of Novi Sad, we have enabled that the children of our members, regardless of whether a spouse is employed or not, may apply for kindergarten and have an opportunity to make their life easier in that way. We have talked with the town and the province about providing employment of the spouses of our members and thus enable better living for the entire family owing to the fact that one of its members is a member of the Serbian Armed Forces – the minister of defence said.
He added that all those were the measures that would make the military profession more attractive and that the fact that every citizen of Serbia knew was that the military as the most esteemed institution needs to be one of the most desirable institutions. The Mayor of Novi Sad stressed that he talked that day with the minister of defence and the Chief of General Staff about the resolution of numerous issues – about resolving the housing issue of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, resolution of the issue of barracks and property and other matters.
- It is a complex process that we discussed on several occasions and I am confident that by joint actions we can provide to the Serbian Armed Forces the best, modern and the most functional conditions for the work in the territory of our town, and on the other hand, Novi Sad as well can use the existing capacities owned by the Serbian Armed Forces for the expansion of the town in accordance with urban planning. We have all gathered here for a common goal, ant the goal is to make our state stronger in every respect – Vučević said.
The Vice President of the Province Government underlined that the Government provides a great support to everything that the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Defence do for the technical revival of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- We provide a great support to the betterment of the financial status of the employees of the Serbian Armed Forces as well through an increase of their salaries. All the citizens have shared the burden of economic reforms but it yields results so now there is an opportunity to improve the financial status of the employed in the Serbian Armed Forces and security sector – Milićević said.