Higher Per Diem Allowances and Solidary Assistance for the Birth of a Child for the Members of the Serbian Armed Forces
In accordance with the order of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, a working group and the Ministry of Defence have given appropriate proposals to the Government of the Republic of Serbia aimed at improving the material position of all the members of the Serbian Armed Forces – Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin explained.
- Accordingly, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has passed a decision that troop per diem allowances, or per diem allowances for intensified engagement, work in the field, and for the work of those who work the most and hardest, are to be increased from 800 to 1100 dinars. And just like we have said, we will continue improving and strengthening the position of all the members of our Armed Forces, particularly of those who perform the hardest and most responsible duties. Furthermore, we have for the first time, which has never happened before, ensured that the solidarity assistance for the birth of a child is to be paid to every member of the military. Until now, that was not the case, but from now on, an average pay will be paid to each member of the military who gladdens his family and our country and our military by the birth of a new child – Minister Vulin stressed.
According to the Minister of Defence, as it has already been said, and in keeping with the policy of the Supreme Commander, the policy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the policy of the Ministry of Defence, the position of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces will improve, our financial position will be better than before and each day, we will be able to say that we are succeeding in improving it.
- Just like we are strengthening and organising the military, we are trying to make conditions for our members to live better, for their families to live better and to feel better and more respected. Their Serbia loves them, and this is to way to show them – Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin pointed out.