Exercise Neighbours 2017
Exercise "Neighborhood 2017", which was prepared and carried out by members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Hungarian Armed Forces and the Ohio National Guard, has been closed at the "National Hero Stevica Jovanović" barracks in Pančevo, today.
Host of the exercise, carried out for the seventh time with members of the Hungarian Armed Forces, alternately in Serbia and Hungary, was the 11th infantry battalion of the First Army Brigade. This year, for the first time, the Ohio National Guards platoon took part in the exercise.
The aim of the exercise is to exchange experiences, tactics and procedures between members of the armed forces of the three countries, in possible crisis situations which the population might encounter, as well as in peacekeeping operations.
The exercise scenario has been designed, set up and adapted to the execution of tasks in a multinational environment and conditions as foreseen in peacekeeping operations. Members of the three armies within a mixed multinational company, through various suppositions, solved tasks that they can realistically expect by looking at potential hazards and risks.
After the exercise, the soldiers were addressed by Commander of the First Brigade Brigadier General Željko Petrović, representative of the Hungarian Armed Forces, Colonel Peter Lipai and representative of the United States Armed Forces Colonel James Suver, who thanked the leadership and participants in the exercise, emphasizing the training level and good cooperation among soldiers and officers .
Brigadier General Željko Petrović pointed out that the exercise was successfully performed and that valuable experiences were gained, which would be of great benefit to all participants.
- You have shown that good communication and cooperation is possible in a multinational environment, and with tolerance and respect, there is no task that is unsolvable - Brigadier General Petrović added.