Marking the days of quartermaster, technical and movement and transportation services
In the Topčider Barracks, today, a ceremony was held on the occasion of the day of the quartermaster, technical and movement and transportation services of the Serbian Armed Forces.
The gathering organized by the Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defence and the Logistics Department of the General Staff was attended by Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, representative of the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Brigadier General Žarković, directors of the factories of the Serbian Defence Industry and overhaul institutes, logisticians in operational units as well as representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
During the celebration, the Council of Logistic Services also had session, and its members introduced those present to the results of the quartermaster, technical and movement and transportation services, with plans for the next period.
Colonel Radoš Mijatović spoke about the quartermaster service, which marks its day on 14th September, and colonels Stanko Perić and Željko Ranković spoke abouton the technical and movement and transportation services, respectively, as they celebrate 15th September.
Congratulating those present on the Logistic Service Day, Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, reminding of the significant historical dates of these services, pointed out that there has been seen clear progress regarding the provision of funds for the Serbian Armed Forces, but that the needs have not yet been sufficiently met.
- All of us, from the Ministry, the General Staff and industry, have to make great efforts to improve the situation so taht the Armed Forces at any moment be at the level of the historical task - Miloradović said and added that the state obviously continues with the trend of increasing the funds for the Armed Forces, but that it will not be enough if everyone does not make extraordinary efforts.
General Žarković greeted those present on behalf of the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiša Diković, and said that the logistics has exceptional significance for the Serbian Armed Forces and its functioning.
- The achieved results show that the officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers and civilians, with their work, knowledge and expertise, contributed to the strengthening of logistics and the improvement of its capabilities.
He added that by proper distribution of the available resources, they provided precise functioning of logistical support to the commands of the units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as that the logistics today has a highly professional cadre capable of performing all the tasks and fulfilling the needs of the time.
At the session, congratulatory messages sent by the Minister of Defence and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces to three services.on the occasion of the ceremony, have also been read.
As a token of successful cooperation, Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović conferred the letters of appreciation to the “Krušik” Holding Company, Valjevo, and “Sloboda Čačak Ltd”.