General Diković with cadets
Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Ljubisa Diković, has talked at the Military Academy today with cadets of the 138th class of the Military Academy and 3rd class of the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy.
In addressing the officers-to-be, General Diković said that they are preparing for the "life of officers" in the next new phase of their lives.
- You are the officers of the famous army that is proud of its famous ancestors, history and valuable victories, an army that has a key task to protect the Republic of Serbia and all its citizens enabling them to live peacefully. The state of Serbia and its army are looking for brave, courageous and trained officers who will make their knowledge and skills available to the state, the Chief of General Staff said.
He added that the Serbian Armed Forces enjoys the highest confidence of the citizens and that they should work together to make that confidence "even stronger".
- The state is as strong as the defence system defending it, and the Serbian Armed Forces is the core of this system. Our people are accustomed to having the army always where it is needed. That is the way it was, it is and will be in the future, General Diković said.
Future officers were also addressed by former cadets, the best ones in their classes. The young leaders of the Serbian Armed Forces conveyed to their future colleagues practical advice on the situations that await them on their first officer's duties, in a few days already.
Today's talks with the cadets were attended by the Commandant of the Military Academy, Major General Goran Zeković, and the Head of the Human Resources Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Colonel Savo Iriškić.