Significant Interest of Citizens for the Admission into Serbian Armed Forces
Answering a reporters’ question regarding the competition for the admission of professional soldiers, Minister Vulin said that Serbian Armed Forces needs to man its formations with professional soldiers, but it also needs non-commissioned officers and officers because it has new tasks and a greater number of people who will work in the Serbian Armed Forces is certainly required.
- I am quite pleased by the extraordinary engagement and interests shown by our citizens, and by their desire to serve in the lines of the Serbian Armed Forces, to be its part. It is a confirmation of the significance that Serbian people attach to the Serbian Armed Forces, and our awareness of that and of how important it is for this country to have a strong, and of course satisfied Armed Forces – Minister Vulin said.
Speaking about the motive of the citizens to become a part of defence system, the minister stated that it was certainly an urge to defend the country, to be with it, and to be there for an institution which had never been more respected and important.
- It is hard to find another institution that is so much loved as the Serbian Armed Forces, but likewise the citizens are offered an opportunity for professional advancement, learning, acquiring numerous new skills, as well as the opportunity to spend your working engagement in a good institution which takes care of you and I believe that it is quite enough – explained Minister Vulin.
Moreover, the minister of defence said that upon the reception of the new personnel, all the branches of the Serbian Armed Forces where there was a requirement for professional soldiers would be manned.
- Upon admission, on the basis of their psychological and physical characteristics and other, it will be subsequently decided where the personnel is required and they will be assigned accordingly – Minister Vulin said.