We Are Counting on Ourselves and Our Population
During today’s ceremony of marking the Aviation Day, answeringthequestion regarding the idea to train the population in the skills useful for defence of the country, Minister of Defence AleksandarVulin stated that almost all the serious countries have some kind of training.
- Eachmilitaryhas its military component, and also the civilian one, and it has a need to transfer certain skills and specialties to as great number of citizens as possible. Thatisthecaseinalmostall the countries of the world, and particularly in the countries that cannot rely on any pact. Donotforgetthatweareaneutralcountry; we have no one to rely on and we can count solely on us and our citizens. Ofcoursenoonethinksofgivinga civilian a Kalashnikov, but we can certainly give a civilian the first bandage, capability and skill to assist in natural disasters. Itisnecessarytodothatand we believe to do it through the system of education, through our system as a whole. Anyways, Defence Strategy is going to be passed by the end of the year where in accordance with threats and dangers that our Armed Forces have recognised, suitable responses will be proposed.