Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Friendship Promotes Cooperation

At today’s meeting of the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin with the Ambassador of the Republic of Angola José João Manuel it was jointly established that the friendly relations between the two countries make an excellent basis for development and intensification of the overall cooperation.

Minister Vulin expressed his gratitude to Ambassador Manuel, at the end of his mandate in Serbia, for an active approach and considerable contribution that he had given to the enhancement of defence cooperation in particular.

- We appreciate the support of the Republic of Angola for the defence of international law and we also express our gratitude for your uncompromising position regarding the preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia and non-recognition of the self-proclaimed “state” of Kosovo. Traditional friendship promotes the joint efforts to carry out substantial plans in the field of military economic cooperation and infrastructural development. The Ministry of Defence supports the appearance of Serbian companies at Angolan market, which is one of priorities of the work of Serbia-Angola Cooperation Committee – Minister Vulin pointed out, noting that there are opportunities for further military economic, military educational and military medical cooperation.

A particular success has been made in the area of education of cadets and professional advancement of Angolan officers at the Military Academy in Belgrade. Currently, there are 12 Angolan cadets attending the studies who will in the beginning of September be promoted in the first officer’s ranks at the promotion in front of the National Assembly. According to plans 30 cadets will arrive for the studies at the Military Academy and 15 cadets for the studies at the Medical Faculty of the MMA.

In the segment of cooperation dealing with military medicine, a trilateral medical exercise is planned to take place in Angola in the end of the year.

It was confirmed during the meeting that Angola remained a strategic partner of Serbia in Africa, and the realisation of ambitious projects in the field of defence and other forms of cooperation of mutual interest would strengthen traditionally good relation of the two countries. It was also established at the meeting that opening new prospects depended, to a large degree, on overcoming the unfavourable international economic situation which had caused the slowing down of the realisation of initiated projects, but at the same time a strong will was expressed to continue the cooperation encouraged by numerous results achieved so far.