Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Humanity as Inspiration

Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin met today with a motivational speaker and humanist Nick Vujučić, who is currently visiting Serbia.

In a cordial discussion, Vujučić introduced Minister Vulin to an idea of establishing an organisation that would help veteran organisations similarly to the one already established in the United States of America. The details of the future cooperation would be discussed in September, during the next visit from Nick Vujučić to Serbia.

- Your work and your speaches about spirituality, love, hope and forgiveness are inspiration to all – Vulin said during the conversation and stressed that the Ministry of Defence was open for the cooperation with the view of enhancing the position of veterans.

Stressing the difficult past of Serbia and the entire region, Minister Vulin emphasised that it was the first initiative coming from abroad that would not only help our veterans but it would influence the change regarding the existing prejudices about our Armed Forces.

During the meeting, Vujičić informed the Minister of Defence about his talks with the President Aleksandar Vučić regarding enriching the programme for the education of children and pointed out that he desired to stay in Serbia more often and to work on assisting our country.