41st class of the Military High School completes schooling
The graduation ceremony for students of 41. class of the Military High School has been held today at the Conference Hall of the Military Academy, in the presence of Major General Mladen Vuruna, Rector of the University of Defence, Major General Goran Zekovic, Chief of the Military Academy, Colonel Miroslav Gvozdenovic, Head of the Military High School, heads of classes and teachers at the Military High School, as well as family members, relatives and friends of the students.
The best student in the class is Uroš Živković, and the second and the third in the ranking are Danilo Ivezić and Miloš Ratković, respectively. The most successful ten were presented awards and commendations by General Zeković and Colonel Gvozdenović.
General Zeković commented on the excellent results of the students of the 41th class and expressed the wish that they continue to achieve such successes also at the Military Academy.
- The calling you have chosen requires from zou seriousness, accepting responsibility for your own actions, responsible behavior, self-discipline and a role model. You should make the most of your time at the Military Academy for zour advancement and improvement, General Zeković said.
According to the Head of the Military High School, it was a great honor to lead the last "male class". He talked about the successes of the class which is classified as one of the most successful in the history of the Military High School.
- The 41st class admitted 80 students, and 66 of them successfully completed the schooling. A number of 59 students of this class was admitted for education in the Military Academy and it speaks enough about the extraordinary success of the whole generation, Colonel Gvozdenović said.
As every year, this year as well, the award of the Fund of "Lieutenant Colonel Borko Nikitović" was presented to the best student in the generation.
Uroš Živković thanked all for the support he had during all the years of schooling at the Military High School, which were "both beautiful and tough". Živković completed the Military High School with GPA of 5.00, and he is to continue education at the Military Academy at the Department of Military Electronic Engineering.
The audience was addressed by the Head of the 41st class Major Dalibor Novković and the homeroom teacher of the best class, professor Lidija Popović Rajačić, while the cultural and artistic part of the ceremony included performance of the Choir of the Military High School, students Bogdan Kostić, Stepan Sekulovski and Angela Vučković.
The extraordinary success, with GPA 4.25, as well as the excellent results in the entry test for admission to the Military Academy, rank the 41st class among the most successful generations in the history of the Military High School. During the schooling, students achieved outstanding results also in extra-curricular, cultural and sports activities.