Exercise “Fire Jump 2017” of Mixed Artillery Brigade
Members of the First gun-howitzer battalion and the mixed missile artillery battalion of the Mixed Artillery Brigade from Nis conducted final live firing within eight-day long tactical exercise “Fire Jump 2017” at Pasuljanske livade combined service training ground, which marked the end of several days long mobile camping of members of this unit, which started on 15th May.
![Вежба Мешовите артиљеријске бригаде „Ватрени скок 2017“](/multimedia/image/2017/maj/22/vezba/D201705210228HDR04.jpg)
The exercise was monitored from the main lookout point by the Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic, members of the team for external evaluation from the Army Command, reserve officers from the Organization of reserve officers of municipality of Aleksinac.
Members of the Mixed Artillery Brigade started preparations for the exercise and live firings two months before arrival in the training area. Firstly, they conducted several tactical exercises in “Mija Stanimirovic” barracks in Nis, and then around Nis and Aleksinac.
The period of the intensive training was concluded by eight-day long mobile camping on the route Rtanj - Pasuljanske livade combined service training ground. They left “Mija Stanimirovic” parent barracks in Nis on 15th May. The Director of the exercise was Chief of Staff of the Mixed Artillery Brigade Colonel Dejan Novakovic.
![Вежба Мешовите артиљеријске бригаде „Ватрени скок 2017“](/multimedia/image/2017/maj/22/vezba/20170521-AMP_1571.jpg)
The artillerymen practiced assuming elements of combat disposition, emplacement, operation according to shooting orders, moving from one position to the other whereas members of the 69th logistics battalion timely and regularly provided food, water supply, health care and technical support.
During their stay at Pasuljanske livade combined service training ground members of the First gun-howitzer battalion conducted within field tactical exercise a great number of training and test battery firings and fired hundreds of missiles – they shot from 20 mm insert tube, and then live firing was performed from 152 mm howitzer and 130 mm guns. Furthermore, members of the mixed missile artillery battalion fired from training firing devices at short distance from 262 mm self-propelled four-tube missile launcher Orkan and 128 mm Plamen missiles.
This year, for the third time in a row, within mobile camping the integrated training of permanent and reserve composition, as well as permanent composition, were supplemented by reserve officers, NCOs and soldiers. Moreover, the Military Academy cadets who will complete their studies this year and some of them be assigned to the Mixed Artillery Brigade, did internship at duties of platoon commanders in units.
At the end of artillery live firings, the Commander of the Brigade Colonel Zvonko Stojkovic said that within camping they had set several goals – their commands to practice managing and commanding of units during combat operations and to train and check competence of units in conducting combat operations in complex weather and land conditions.
![Вежба Мешовите артиљеријске бригаде „Ватрени скок 2017“](/multimedia/image/2017/maj/22/vezba/D201705210214.jpg)
“From the beginning of mobile camping we have performed a number of tactical trainings and exercises of our commands and units, and with the activity today – the execution of artillery live firings we have finished the cycle of training and fulfilled set goals and tasks of camping. I am content with the conducted activities and tasks of my units. I give the firings today a very good mark, which is a high mark”, Colonel Stojkovic stressed.
The Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic congratulated members of the Brigade on successfully conducted firings and visited them at the post Velika Brezovica.
“I am proud of all of you, from your commanders to a last soldier and cadet. I am especially glad that cadets are today with you at the training ground and that they start to feel and love our Mixed Artillery Brigade. Officers, NCOs and soldiers, I did not have doubts you would fire excellently. I wanted to come here with your Commander Colonel Stojkovic and congratulate you”, General Simovic said.
“You would never achieve the excellent results if you did not feel the artillery in your heart and soul. That is our greatest strength and I paid my respects for that as a man and an officer. Thanks God for having such soldiers, officers and NCOs. I am proud of all of you here in a line”, the Army Commander emphasized.