Enhancement of defence cooperation with Slovenia
The Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic met today with the Slovenian Defence Minister Andreja Katic.
![Унапређење војне сарадње са Словенијом](/multimedia/image/2017/maj/09/mo%20slovenije/IMG_20170509_152112.jpg)
The interlocutors agreed that the total relations of two countries developed so far were a good basis for the defence cooperation of greater quality with possibilities of fulfilling mutual interest. Therefore, the main activities planned for this year are in the sphere of military-military (training of NCOs, joint military exercises), military-educational, military-technical and military-economic cooperation, as well as the collaboration of military archives. The legal framework for cooperation is the Agreement on defence cooperation. Moreover, two countries have signed the agreements on cooperation between the defence universities in Belgrade and Maribor, and the military-technical cooperation. Minister Djordjevic invited the Slovenian delegation to attend the Armament and Defence Equipment Fair Partner 2017, which will be held in June in Belgrade.
![Унапређење војне сарадње са Словенијом](/multimedia/image/2017/maj/09/mo%20slovenije/IMG_20170509_151403.jpg)
As Mr. Djordjevic emphasized, holding the joint meetings of the Governments and regular meetings at a high level is a way of overcoming the current problems in the conditions of the complex security situation in the region. Namely, Serbia and Slovenia have the developed political dialogue and cooperation in numerous fields, which represents an example of the excellent bilateral collaboration.
The Defence Minister thanked for the professional engagement and contribution to security of members of the Slovenian contingent within KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija, and his colleague for starting a visit to Serbia with her attendance at the central ceremony of marking the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces, Victory and Europe at Nikinci ground. Minister Katic emphasized after “Steel 2017” that her impressions about capabilities of our Armed Forces and armament were striking.
After the exercise at Nikinci ground Minister Katic was received by the Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.