A visit to Serbian peacekeepers in Lebanon and Cyprus
The delegation of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces led by Major General Zelimir Glisovic, the Army Deputy Commander, has visited members of the Serbian Armed Forces engaged in the UN multinational operation in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and the UN multinational operation in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
During the visit the situation and conditions in which members of the Serbian Armed Forces perform tasks defined by the mission mandate have been discussed. The delegation of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces has been received by UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Michael Beary and UNIFIL Sector East Commander Brigadier General Aroldo Lázaro Saenz.
The engagement of the Serbian Armed Forces in UNIFIL mission and Sector East, the current political and security situation in the area of operation and directions for the mission further development have been discussed. Moreover, the delegation has visited Sector West, where members of the Serbian Armed Forces are engaged as part of the Italian battalion.
At the end of the visit, it was concluded that the Serbian Armed Forces contingents were well trained, equipped and motivated, and also that they perform all set tasks professionally and successfully.