MoD and SAF members at 24th Novi Sad Half Marathon
The members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces took part in the 24th Novi Sad Half Marathon. At this sports event 120 MoD and SAF members participated, which is the record so far, and significant results were achieved.
![Припадници Министрства одбране и Војске Србије на 24. Новосадском полумаратону](/multimedia/image/2017/april/03/maraton3.jpg)
At 10km race in the men’s competition professional soldier Djuro Bordelj won the first place, the second one was professional soldier Mirko Stankovic, and the third one Captain Blazo Maksimovic. Lieutenant Nevena Jovanovic was the second at this discipline in the women’s competition, and the fourth one was Ivana Petrovic.
The Commander of the 1st Army Brigade Brigadier General Zeljko Petrovic participated in 10km race.
The members of the athletic military team have confirmed by these results that they are in excellent shape, and the members of the women team were rightfully declared to be the best sports team of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2016.