Swearing Military Oath
The celebrations on the occasion of swearing military oath by volunteer conscripts of the generation “March 2017”, female professional soldiers, attenders of the Reserve Officers’ Course of the Military Academy and students of the 109th class of the MMA medical service reserve officers were held today in barracks “Aerodrom” in Sombor, “Vojvoda Živojin Mišić” in Valjevo and “Vojvoda Petar Bojović” in Leskovac.
The Minister of Defence, Zoran Đorđević attended the celebration organised in barracks “Aerodrom” in Sombor, where 84 soldiers swore an oath. Apart from the Minister, the ceremony was attended by the members of the Minister of Defence’s Board, representatives of the local community, social organisations and religious communities, families and friends.
Congratulating the soldiers on that ceremonial occasion, Minister Đorđević underlined that, for our people, defending the country has always been a representation of honour and dignity and it has always been more than an obligation.
- The citizens of Serbia know how significant the security of the homeland is and that the one who chooses to become a soldier deserves a particular respect, because it means serving a greater good, giving a promise to the homeland and being ready to make efforts and being ready for self-denial in order to defend and accomplish the most noble values of a society – Minister Đorđević said.
He reconfirmed that all the soldiers who swore their military oath on that day, would in six months be given priority in the process of employment, if they desired to become professional soldiers.
-Superior officers of the Serbian Armed Forces, officers and NCOs, have tried to create optimal conditions for your training, in order to most efficiently and safely transfer to you their knowledge and military experience - the Minister of Defence pointed out and added that the soldiers, apart from their skills, would gain lasting friendships and life experiences that would be useful to them all their lives.
Speaking to the parents and relatives of the soldiers, Minister Đorđević confirmed that all measures would be taken so that their sons and daughters could serve their military service in peace, honourably and with dignity, to everybody’s satisfaction.
- We will take care of your children and do our best so that they return to their homes more mature and enriched by knowledge, wisdom and virtues which adorn every dignified and honest man, but we will also train them to successfully and unyieldingly, as true fighters, surpass all the obstacles that they will encounter in their lives – the Minister of Defence stressed and concluded his address by sending message to the soldiers, to be proud and never to forget that Serbia is our only homeland.

The Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiša Diković attended the ceremony of swearing military oath in barracks “Vojvoda Petar Bojović” in Leskovac where 95 volunteer conscripts, among whom seven are girls, swore the oath.
- Armed Forces is an institution which preserves the reputation and honour of the state, and being in the armed forces is a privilege of the chosen ones – emphasised General Diković congratulating the soldiers.
According to his words, today, the Republic of Serbia faces complex relations that govern the sphere of national, regional and global security and fights at all the levels to preserve peace which is the essence of every progress.
- The situation is monitored, the servicemen trained and taking part in exercises, not for the purpose of threatening anybody, but to carry out our fundamental constitutional role, to protect the Republic of Serbia, to enable our citizens to build their future in the peace – noted General Diković.
The ceremony in Leskovac was also attended by the Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Defence Policy, Milan Mojsilović, as well as the representatives of the Jablanica region municipalities, Serbian Orthodox Church, Ministry of Interior, relatives and friends of the soldiers.
Oath Swearing ceremony that took place in barracks “Vojvoda Živojin Mišić” in Valjevo was attended by the Acting Assistant Minister for Budget and Finances, Radmila Jagodić and the Training Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Đokica Petrović.