Commemoration Service Held for the Perished Workers of the TOF Kragujevac
Today, a commemoration service was held in the Town Assembly of Kragujevac for the civilians, Željko Nikolić and Dejan Kovačević who tragically died on the last day of February in the accident that took place in the Technical Overhaul Facility in Kragujevac.
Besides the members of families of Željko Nikolić and Dejan Kovačević and their colleagues from the TOF Kragujevac, the commemoration service was attended by the Minister of Defence Zoran Đorđević, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiša Diković, Major of Kragujevac, Radomir Nikolić, Director of the TOF Kragujevac, Lieutenant Colonel Dušan Kovarbašić, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces as well as by numerous relatives and friends.

- There was no task left unfinished, apart the last one – to stay alive – said Lieutenant Colonel Žunić and added that, Željko and Dejan, fully aware of the danger, had put on “protective vests” without hesitation and joined their colleagues, the firemen who were fighting against blazing fire.
Extending deepest condolences to the families, Lieutenant Colonel Žunić addressing the sad gathering said that despite the fact that they could not save their colleagues from the tragic end, the members of the Facility would cherish the memory of their courage and self-sacrifice that they had demonstrated, and of the time that they had spent together.
The Major of Kragujevac, Radomir Nikolić said that all the citizens of that town shared the grief of the families of the perished workers of the Technical Overhaul Facility, since they had given their lives to protect all the people of Kragujevac.
Starting from 10th May 1994, civilian Željko Nikolić discharged the duty of a mechanic for ammunition and explosive ordnance at the field for disposal of explosive ordnance in the Sector for General Overhaul and Maintenance of Explosive Ordnance in the TOF Kragujevac. He was born in 1972 in Kragujevac. He had two children.
Starting from10th May 1994, civilian Dejan Kovačević discharged the duty of a mechanic for ammunition at the field for disposal of explosive ordnance in the Sector for General Overhaul and Maintenance of Explosive Ordnance in the Technical Overhaul Facility in Kragujevac. He was born in 1973 in Kragujevac. He was married and had two children.
The funeral of Željko Nikolić is going to be held today in the Town Cemetery in Kragujevac, and tomorrow, Dejan Kovačević will be buried at Bozman cemetery.