Readiness of Rapid Reaction Forces for Securing Facilities of Vital Importance
The Minister of Defence, Zoran Đorđević and the Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiša Diković visited during the night and morning a part of rapid reaction units of the Serbian Armed Forces.
The snap check of the operational capabilities of a part of the units is being continued today as well on several locations all over Serbia. The focus of the check is the readiness of the units to respond in the shortest time to the tasks assigned in the framework of envisaged crisis scenarios.
According to the Director of Defence Inspectorate, Major General Goran Radovanović, the snap controls are one of the tasks executed by Defence Inspectorate in the framework of its regular activities.
- In this respect, we conduct extraordinary inspections of the Serbian Armed Forces, and in this case, of the rapid reaction forces. During the night we conducted checks of some of the units of the Military Police and Special Brigade aimed at determining the level of their training and capabilities to discharge the tasks of securing facilities of vital importance for defence system – explained General Radovanović.

As he stressed, during the night, the tasks discharged were in the area of „Batajnica“ airport and on the basis of the results obtained so far and the reports from the inspectors in the field, those units have showed very high level of capabilities to execute the functional tasks.
In line with the order of the Minister of Defence and decision of the President of the Republic, two nights ago, the check of the operational capabilities of a part of the Serbian Armed Forces units was initiated. It is an extraordinary, snap, terrain inspection of the operational capabilities of the rapid reaction forces and the check is going to last until 9th March on several locations in Serbia.