Integrity in the Internal Audit and Finance
The Internal Audit Section and Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the Office of Defence Attaché of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, organised a two day workshop “Integrity in the Internal Audit and Finance” in the Sector for Material Resources.
Apart from the representatives of the organisers, Ms Maja Pilipović, internal auditor David Dart and a member of the Defence Fraud Board Steve Prideaux from the United Kingdom, the participants of the workshop represent the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and they come from Defence Inspectorate, Military Police Department, Military Security Agency, Sector for Budget and Finance and Department for International Military Cooperation.
Opening the workshop, which will to the greatest extent be dedicated to the challenges that the Internal Audit of the Ministry of Defence meets, the key note speaker Maja Pilipović accentuated that the independence of internal auditors represented on of the most important preconditions for their efficient and successful work, and for the achievement of ambitious goals which was the reason for the establishment of the Commission.
- Apart from the challenges in front of the Internal Audit of the Ministry of Defence, the workshop will also cover the issue of public resources and risks management, the work of Defence Fraud Team, risks and control in the public procurement and other. Incidentally, the Internal Audit of the Ministry of Defence, which consists of four independent auditors, up till now, has, among other, conducted controls of public procurement, payrolls and other allowances, budget planning and preparation and other financial transactions in the Ministry of Defence, stated Maja Pilipović.