Defence Minister in an unannounced visit to MMA
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic has paid an unannounced visit to the Military Medical Academy today, which looks after emergencies on Wednesday, in order to see in which conditions the Emergency Department of this health care institution operates and has visited some clinics.
During his visit, the Minister made sure that the conditions in which medical personnel does work in the Emergency Department are not at a required level, primarily when it comes to premises and infrastructure, taking into account that this organizational unit, when it is on duty, receives 490-560 patients from all over the country on average.
In company with the newly appointed Acting Head of the Military Medical Academy Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic, Minister Djordjevic has visited the Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic, where he talked to doctors and patients about the conditions in this Clinic, as well as the Clinic for Neurology, and he also got informed about work of the Reception and Appointment Office.
Announcing urgent measures to improve the working conditions of the Emergency Department, the Minister emphasized that the management of the Military Medical Academy and the Clinical Centre of Serbia should agree on a transitional period during which the civil health care institution would also receive emergent patients on Wednesday, so that the Military Medical Academy could have time to adapt premises for their reception.
“The people, who circumstantially come for help to the Military Medical Academy on Wednesday deserve better treatment than it is the case today”, Djordjevic said and stressed that the enhancement of outpatient clinics in comparison to clinics, which have dominated to a great extent so far, is one of the things he suggested in the forthcoming reorganization of the institution.
Defence Minister had objections to unified time for a break of the Appointment Office, which unnecessarily slows down patients instead of having some office clerk at their disposal at all times, as he pointed out.
Minister Djordjevic has spent the greatest time in the Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic, which has a problem with the number of doctors, where instead of six there are currently two doctors and espoused the urgent solution to this problem. In the future it should be strictly taken into account that at the moment of someone’s leave there should be the employment of new personnel in order not to have the situation with shortage of doctors again and not to wait nine months for the employment of pediatricians due to poor planning.

In his conversation with the MMA doctors, Defence Minister confirmed that this year more money was allocated from the budget for medicines and equipping, as well.
“Now I expect the plan of priorities from you, the equipment that should be purchased, which would qualitatively improve health not only of the military insured, but all citizens of Serbia also, which is going to be a new approach to equipping, whose aim is to place the Military Medical Academy at the level of its reputation in every sense”, Djordjevic said and announced the creation of budgetary position for the capital MMA maintenance project next year.