Jubilee of the famous cameraman Labudović
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjević attended the celebration of the 90th birthday of the famous Yugoslav cameraman Labudović, the hero of the Algerian revolution, at the Museum of Yugoslav History.

Organizer of the birthday celebration was the Association of the Friends of Algeria, with whom the aging cameraman, a legend of the Film News, has cooperated for decades. Apart from the relatives and many friends and colleagues of Stevan Labudović, the ceremony was attended by the Ambassador of Algeria to Serbia Abdelhamid Chebchoub, ambassadors and members of the Diplomatic corps, Mayor of Berane, birthplace of Stevan Labudović, representatives of the Serbian state institutions, Serbian Orthodox Church, members of the Association of the Friends of Algiers and Director of the Museum of Yugoslav History, Neda Knežević.
Congratulating the celebrant on his 90th birthday, Defence Minister Zoran Djordjević stressed his role in documenting testimonies of the Algerian anti-colonial revolution, for which Stevan Labudović became known in the world.

- By his testimony about the revolution of the Algerian people Mr Labudović left a deep mark in the history of a friendly nation and marked the whole epoch. Through his paintings, future generations will learn the truth about the Algerian struggle for freedom and dignity and realize what was actually happening. Certainly, we know Labudović for his pictures and documentaries about the Algerian revolution, especially about the events from 1959 to 1962, during which time he was in that country, but also for his other earlier and later works which testified to the non-aligned movement, development and growth of Serbia, Yugoslavia and the world. His works today represent a cultural treasure worthy not only for us, but also for future generations. The life of Stevan Labudović is certainly rich in events by which he testified using his camera. Thanks to this footage, the Ministry of Defence today, as well, has the Algerian people as verified and proven friend, Minister Djordjević said.
Due to his great contribution to the victory of the Algerian anti-colonial revolution, primarily through the testimonies about the struggle of the people living there for a free and dignified life in a sovereign state, Stevan Labudović was awarded many Algerian decorations. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Algerian Revolution, in 2012, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika awarded him the highest National Order of Merit.
Emphasizing that in Stevan Labudović Algeria has a great and proven friend, a hero who did not hesitate, during the revolution, to spend weeks and months in trenches, side by side with the Algerian fighters, Algerian Ambassador Abdelhamid Chebchoub said that Algerian children today are taught in schools about his feats and fearlessness.
During the ceremony, the documentary film with excerpts from Labudović’s testimonies of the Algerian liberation war was presented, and members of Pozarevac Choir "Barili" sung the national anthems of Serbia and Algeria.