Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The 10th session of Serbia-Egypt Mixed Military Committee

Десето заседање Мешовитог војног комитета Србија-ЕгипатToday in Belgrade, the 10th session of the Serbia-Egypt Mixed Military Committee for defence cooperation began, to last until 1st December. The meeting was opened by Head of the Sector for Defence Policy and the head of the Serbian delegation, Major General Sladjan Djordjevic.
During the meeting, joint activities carried out this year were discussed and the 2017 bilateral military cooperation programme was agreed, as well as the Memorandum of Understanding on defence cooperation between the two countries.
The Egyptian eight-member delegation is headed by Brigadier General Moaty Ahmed Iraqy.
The activity is carried out based on the conclusions of the 9th session of the Serbian-Egyptian Mixed Military Committee held in Cairo and the 2016 Programme for bilateral military cooperation with the Arab Republic of Egypt.