Defence Minister visited Priboj FAP
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic with his associates visited the FAP Corporation where he was briefed about the current activities of that famous Priboj company, reviewed the status of the production capacities and the activities conducted so far on the adoption of the Prepackaged plan of reorganization.
At the meeting with management of the FAP Corporation, it was pointed out that the Government of the Republic of Serbia has launched so far a series of measures in order to preserve the vital capacity of the company and the production core for revitalising the production of motor and other vehicles after which the FAP Corporation was known in the region and the world. The Ministry of Defence in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy has initiated the adoption of the Decision of the Serbian Government, recommending to the state creditors to accept the Pre-packaged plan of reorganization, which would create conditions for most of the debts that the company incurred in the past ten years to be converted into capital of creditors. This would give the company another chance to develop its business policy on the healthy and economic grounds.
After the meeting, which was attended by Mayor of Priboj Lazar Rvovic, General Manager of the company, Ranko Vukovic, pointed out that the visit of the Minister of Defence and representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces for FAP corporation means a new start on sounder economic fundamentals.
During the tour of the plant, Defence Minister was introduced to the current capacity of the plants for machining and assembly. Minister Djordjevic positively assessed the activities to date in the consolidation of the company and expressed the hope that the successful implementation of the Pre-packaged plan of reorganization will preserve the vital parts of FAP corporation with manufacturing and repair capacities of particular importance for the production and assembly of off-road cars from the joint development with the MoD and SAF and the new generation of chassis for repair, modernization and assembly of complex systems based on FAP chassis, manufacturing of power train and production and assembly of vehicles with special upgrades for civilian use.
During the visit, once again, it was emphasized once again that integration of the revitalized facilities of the enterprise and other manufacturers from the defence industry into one functional unit capable of production and modernization of complex combat systems for the needs of the Serbian Armed Forces and export, becomes a necessity of our time