Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister of Defence meets Algerian Ambassador

Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic talked with Mr Abdelhamid Chebchoub, Ambassador of the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria in Belgrade, on the continuation of cooperation and improvement of the strategic cooperation between the two countries that foster traditional friendly relations.
Састанак министра одбране са амбасадором ДНР АлжирMr Djordjevic pointed out that military education and military economic cooperation are the main areas of cooperation in the field of defence. Currently, 32 persons from Algeria are on training at the Military Academy and the Military Technical Institute, and so far 72 members of the Algerian armed forces completed their education in Serbia. Both sides expressed their interest in its expansion, primarily in the areas of military-to-military, military medical cooperation and cooperation between the intelligence and security services.
During the talks they considered possibility for the next session of the Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation between the two countries, which will be held in Algeria, to discuss the draft General and the Implementing agreements on education, the Agreement in the field of military industry and the Agreement on cooperation in the field of military geography and cartography.
Minister Djordjevic informed his interlocutor about the activities of the military and police forces in securing the state border regarding the migrant crisis.