Slavic Brotherhood 2016 starts
Today at airports and training ranges of the Serbian Armed Forces, the trilateral military exercise Slavic Brotherhood 2016 began.
In the period until 6th November, members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the Serbian Armed Forces will practice various segments of the exercise, to prepare for the final execution of the exercise next week, at the airport of Kovin and Pasuljanske livade combined arms training area.
Today, members of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and Belarus distributed equipment and weapons at the Batajnica airport, while the crews of transport aircraft Il-76 prepared aircraft for assault operations with carriers and paratroopers. At the joint meeting, Serbian and Russian pilots planned flight activities for the next period.
At the Kovin airport, joint practice of exercise participants for helicopter landing was conducted, while tactical practice was conducted at the Oresac direct fire engagement system and firing from personal weapons was carried out.
The Slavic Brotherhood 2016 exercise represent continuing cooperation between Russian Airborne Troops and Serbian special brigade that started during SREM 2014 military exercise held also on the territory of Serbia. In 2015, the exercise was held on the territory of the Russian Federation, entitled Slavic Brotherhood 2015 and included for the first time, besides the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the Serbian Armed Forces, members of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus.
The exercise, which will last until 9th November, 212 members of the Russian Armed Forces, 56 Belarusian servicemen and 450 members of the Serbian Armed Forces will take part, while the members of the Russian and Belarusian armed forces will stay in Serbia until 14 November.