Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to the Book Fair

Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff, General Ljubisa Dikovic, State Secretary Nenad Neric and members of the collegium of the Minister of Defence and the Chief of General Staff visited the Book Fair and the booth of the Odbrana Media Centre.
Director of Odbrana Media Centre, Colonel Stevica Karapandzin, briefly presented offer of publications for this year's Book Fair, especially emphasizing the success of the edition "Serbian Field Marshals", one of the publications with which Odbrana MC joins, this year as well, the celebration of 100 years since the First World War.

"As I was informed, the greatest interest of visitors is exactly for the books about Serbian field marshals. I would mention also the books "River flotilla 1915-2015" by Bosko Antic and Dragan Spasojevic, then "Infectious diseases in the Serbian people and the army during the wars in the 20th century – work of Serbian Medical Corps for their prevention and treatment" by Dragan Mikic, "From the partisan medical corps to army medical service 1941-1945" by Veljko Todorovic and Branislav Popovic and "140 years of the military Geography Institute" by Radoje Bankovic, Slavisa Tatomirovic, Dejan Djordjevic and Marko Milasinovic" Karapandzin said.
He pointed out that Aleksandra Pecinar wrote an excellent book on the Serbian-Greek allied and diplomatic relations during the First World War, and that there is also interest in the works on the religious service in the Serbian Army in the First World War, Jovan Dragasevic, downing of the so called "Night hawk" i.e. F-117, then fighter planes in World War II, the Royal Air Force, energy security and gas geopolitics, political delicts and assassinations, secret societies and their goals as well as knowledge of ordnance.
Those present were addressed by Assistant Minister for Human Resources Milos Jankovic, who welcomed the idea of activating members of the Serbian Armed Forces in writing professional works. "Today it is clear that the book as we know it will survive despite the emergence of new tendencies, and it was certainly, no matter in what form, necessary for the military profession and studies at the Military Academy. Therefore, what Odbrana Media Centre does certainly has sense. It remains to find the right way and modality how to encourage and reward such engagement of the Armed Forces members", the Deputy Minister said.