Minister of Defence with Bulgarian Ambassador
Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic received today Bulgarian Ambassador Radko Vlaykov with whom he talked about defence and regional cooperation.
The migrant crisis is particularly sensitive issue for the management of the Balkan countries, as it represents a challenge from both the security and the financial aspect, Djordjevic and Vlaykov agreed.
"Meetings with Bulgarian Defence Minister Nikolay Nenchev on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Warsaw, in July this year, as well as in Nis in March, were opportunity to consider, in an open and constructive dialogue, the possibilities of Serbian and Bulgarian contributions to solving the problem of migrant crisis", the defence minister said and added that direct communication and exchange of views on important issues are essential for the resolution of all problems.
Djordjevic informed Vlaykov about the activities of the Joint Military and Police Forces on the protection of the state border and other priorities of the Ministry of Defence in the future.