Promenade parade and military drill in Novi Sad
In the framework of the celebration of Novi Sad Liberation Day, Representative Orchestra of the Guard and members of the Special Army Brigade, with their performance, have organized an unusual event and satisfaction for the citizens of Novi Sad, today.
Performing the famous composition by Stanislav Binicki, "March on the Drina", the Representative Orchestra of the Guard, under the baton of Major Aleksandar Djurov started the promenade parade along the Danube Street and the Zmaj Jova Street, the main promenade of the citizens of Novi Sad. Greeted by thunderous applause after each song, the audience enjoyed and sang the old Serbian marches, "Alexander I", "Milos Obrenovic", “The Royal Guard", and in the central Square of Liberty in Novi Sad they performed the composition " Neretva March" and several popular compositions by foreign authors.
Behind them, with a standing ovation of several hundred present citizens, 39 members and members of the Guard marched to the square. Under the command of the Commander of the military drill, Captain Djordje Simic, and melody "Salute to Belgrade" in the performance of their Representative Orchestra, they performed, through five formations, many minutes lasting military drill which includes a collection of the most complicated and complex drill operations.
Thirty members of the Special Army Brigade under the command of Captain Dragan Micevic, by their attractive performance, showed the capability to apply martial arts, real aikido and Krav Mag, during the execution of the assigned tasks. Like those before them, the special force members also attracted curiosity and picked tumultuous applause, especially from the youngest spectators.