Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Conference on the Impact of Military Neutrality of Serbia on Security and Stability in Europe"

Научни скуп „Утицај војне неутралности Србије на безбедност и стабилност у Европи“In the Guards Club in Topcider, today, a scientific conference on the Impact of Military Neutrality of Serbia on Security and Stability in Europe was held, organized by the Strategic Research Institute of the Ministry of Defence, the Institute for International Politics and Economy and Hans Seidel Foundation Office in Serbia and Montenegro.
Opening the meeting, Milos Jankovic, Acting Assistant Minister for Human Resources, said that this is an exceptional opportunity for scientific and professional public to express their views on the issue of military neutrality in the context of the international law, but also on the challenges and risks Serbia faces, as well as the limitations and potentials of the concept of military neutrality which our country opted for.
Научни скуп „Утицај војне неутралности Србије на безбедност и стабилност у Европи“- This is also an opportunity to look at the experiences of other countries and based on them, to draw some lessons and recommendations for our country and the defence system – Assistant Minister Jankovic said, adding that we are all aware that we live in a time of instability, full of security risks and real threats.
At the Opening Ceremony, the participants in the event were also addressed by the Director of the Strategic Research Institute, Jovanka Saranovic, PhD, Prof. Branislav Djordjevic, Director of the Institute for International Politics and Economics as well as Luc Kober, Director Hans Seidel Foundation Office in Serbia and Montenegro.
Bringing together representatives of the Ministry of Defence, state institutions and academic community of our country around three panels, which related to the perspectives of the policy of neutrality, and the possible effects and limitations of military neutrality policy and considerations whether the policy of military neutrality of Serbia contributes to the security of the region and Europe, the final part of today's scientific gathering is an opportunity for discussion, exchange of opinions and conclusions on the mentioned topical themes.