Minister of Defence meets Mayor of Presevo
During talks in the Presevo municipality, Minister Djordjevic expressed his satisfaction that he met the new mayor and wished him success in his future work. On that occasion he underlined that the Serbian Government wishes to help the municipality of Presevo and attract new investors, while the Serbian Armed Forces, in the framework of its third mission will help all the citizens in the south of Serbia, regardless of their nationality and religion, as it always did.
- Presevo municipality could see hard work ahead – Minister Zoran Djordjevic said, especially in the part of the successful completion of the fiscal year and the next year the municipality can expect assistance of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, about which the Prime Minister has spoken recently. The Ministry of Defence will assist the citizens of Presevo and the surrounding villages by construction and maintenance of roads, and we wish to facilitate and improve the life of the inhabitants of the town of Presevo also in other ways. It remains to be seen what the SAF can assist in, but it is certain that we are willing to help and it can be our contribution to improving relations and to development of Pesevo because it is very important for this part of Serbia. Through joint efforts we can do a lot, which will be shown in the forthcoming period.
Mayor of Presevo, Arifi, thanked the Defence Minister for his visit to the municipality of Presevo and stressed that this is a new approach, which will enable the partnership in the future.
- We talked about the current situation in the municipality and cooperation with the Serbian Armed Forces. I think the Minister of Defence and I have the same views when talking about the future and the way how we can live together, which is especially important in this time of different crises. We in Presevo, nowadays, have a new situation for all the citizens of the Presevo municipality, both the Albanians and the Serbs who live here with us, Sciprim Arifi said on that occasion.