Defence Minister in PPT ‘Namenska’ AD in Trstenik
According to Minister of Defence Zoran Djordjevic, the factory in Trstenik is a good example of the company that overcome the difficulties by its own skills, knowledge and capacities and is now successfully present in the world market and makes a serious profit.
- PPT ‘Namenska’ will be actively involved in the production of new combat systems that are made for the Serbian Armed Forces, especially in the production of ‘Milos’ infantry fighting vehicle. My visit today is one of many, but the goal is for all of us to work together for the defence industry in Trstenik to return to the old paths of glory and see better times – the Minister of Defence said.
Executive Director of PPT ‘Namenska’ AD, Andjelka Atanaskovic, thanked Minister Djordjevic on efforts he invested in the development of the defence industry and pointed out that the company is in a positive balance, thanks to export-oriented projects. She stressed that nine new machines were purchased in the past period and that the special purpose industry from Trstenik got involved in the development and modernization projects of the Military Technical Institute such as ‘Milos’, ‘Bofors’ and ‘Oganj’.
Throughout Serbia, and in enterprises of the defence industry, twenty new helipads will be built, which should enable faster and better communication of state authorities, businessmen and interested guests with actors on the ground, Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic stated in Trstenik.
During the day, Assistant Minister of Defence, Nenad Miloradovic, visited TRZ Cacak and the Complex Fighting Systems factory in Velika Plana, where he checked in which phase is the modernisation of combat systems executed by these companies.
- Works on the missile system at the Complex Fighting Systems factory in Velika Plana and modernization of armoured fighting vehicles in the TRZ Cacak are going according to the plan. Combined teams of engineers and workers are working also on Saturday evenings and on Sundays because of the complexity of the highly demanding work and the tight deadlines for the completion of the work, Assistant Defence Minister Nenad Miloradovic said.
Also, the Minister of Defence Zoran Djordjevic and his closest associates attended today the celebration of the Day of the Trstenik Municipality.